How to Use this Page
Conduct the tests described below on the QA server - - filling in the table with pertinent information. Please note any failures in red. e.g.
Extra notes can be included in the table, or added below as comments if they require more explanation.
Create a course site with at least the following tools:
- Announcements
- Resources
Add 4 users to this site:
- 2 Instructors (to make sure they can't hide things from each other)
- 1 Teaching Assistant (be sure to grant "hidden" permission)
- 1 Student
Upload at least one file and one new folder that contains at least one file to the Resources section of a course site.
Verify Permissions:
The Resources tool has a new permission named "Hidden." Before conducting any testing, verify that the Instructor and Teaching Assistant roles have the hidden permission, and the Student role does not. You can alter this as an Instructor through the "Permissions" action link at the top of the Resources tool.
Test Site Access
Step 1: set file to "Show", check "Ending", and set a time in the past.
Verify Correct Access:
User Role |
Resources interface |
WebDAV |
Access URL |
URL in Announcement |
Student |
Teaching Assistant |
Instructor |
Second Instructor |
Step 2: now set an ending time in the near future
Verify Correct Access for file:
User Role |
Resources interface |
WebDAV |
Access URL |
URL in Announcement |
Student |
Teaching Assistant |
Instructor |
Second Instructor |