- When you impersonate a instructor and use Enter Student View, when you exit, you should return to the instructor sessions instead of admin sessionSAK-50970Resolved issue: SAK-50970Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- View site as is NOT working fine when roles are not Student or Access.SAK-50961Resolved issue: SAK-50961Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- View As-Unpublished site: navigation and site, (pinned/recent), not displayingSAK-49951Earle Nietzel
- View As: when instructor views as student, and creates a message, the message actually gets sentSAK-49763Resolved issue: SAK-49763
- View As: Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: getBrowserFingerprint is not defined console errorSAK-49759Resolved issue: SAK-49759Adrian Fish
- View As: real user (xxx) is impersonated with mock user (xxx) with (xxx) being identicalSAK-49747Resolved issue: SAK-49747Sam Ottenhoff
- View As: when instructor performs actions while in view as student, results are visible to other studentsSAK-49746Resolved issue: SAK-49746
- View As: When the instructor enters View As student and launches the chat, o.s.p.l.SakaiProxyImpl.ensureUuid User errors fill up the server logsSAK-49745Resolved issue: SAK-49745Sam Ottenhoff
- if a new user uses Role Swap on a site where they are an Instructor, they are flung into their "Home" site.SAK-49738Resolved issue: SAK-49738
- PUSH SUBSCRIPTION: Data too long for column 'ENDPOINT' at row 1SAK-49732Resolved issue: SAK-49732Adrian Fish
- Overview: View Site As drop-down missingSAK-49731Resolved issue: SAK-49731Matthew Jones
- View As - Unpublished sites tools are not listed in menuSAK-49689Resolved issue: SAK-49689Earle Nietzel
- Role swap: After the first attempt at role swap, there is a browser console error: _panel_Main#roleSwitch:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Registration failed - push service error Promise.then (async)SAK-49640Resolved issue: SAK-49640
- "Exit Student View" not working on other tabs except "Overview" tabSAK-49631Resolved issue: SAK-49631kunaljaykam
- View Site As not working for Unpublished SitesSAK-49597Resolved issue: SAK-49597kunaljaykam
- Kernel/Portal - Exiting Role View Redirects Instructor Out of Site and Role Swap Defaults to Overview PageSAK-48321Resolved issue: SAK-48321kunaljaykam
- View as does not show right gradebook view for TAsSAK-46982
- The "View Site As" feature should include "as student of a particular group"SAK-44821
- Instructors "View As Student" functions does not show broken images that student aren't able to seeSAK-44483
- Add banner alert message to indicate when instructors are in View As Student/TA/etc modeSAK-44312
- View As, Resources: When an instructor allows students to upload to a folder, it doesn't show in View Site As Student.SAK-44257Resolved issue: SAK-44257
- "View Site As" drop down menu is clickable but mouse doesn't changeSAK-31146
- "View as" doesn't work properly in ResourcesSAK-31017Resolved issue: SAK-31017Core Team
- View Site As: Student/Teaching Assistant not working in FirefoxSAK-30580Resolved issue: SAK-30580Molly Kelsey
- “s” in "View Site As" is cut offSAK-30535Resolved issue: SAK-30535
- Area surrounding "View Site As" appears clickable but is notSAK-30534Resolved issue: SAK-30534
- View Site As / Resources tool not returning to instructor viewSAK-26294Resolved issue: SAK-26294
- Student View of Announcements Tool Shows Hidden AnnouncementsSAK-23723Resolved issue: SAK-23723Core Team
- Melete: Add Print All FeatureSAK-20931Resolved issue: SAK-20931Bryan Holladay
- Make roleswap enabled by defaultSAK-20618Resolved issue: SAK-20618Sam Ottenhoff
- View as roles (Student, Teaching Assistant) not present in this RC4 instanceSAK-20400Resolved issue: SAK-20400Core Team
- Missing "View Site As" tool in sakai-2.8.0-b03 for Instructor role.SAK-19874Resolved issue: SAK-19874
- Access level does not show up correctly in the resources tool when in Student View as an instructorSAK-19594Resolved issue: SAK-19594Core Team
- View as student doesn't work well with assignments published for groupsSAK-19279
- View as student feature do not work with samigoSAK-17680Resolved issue: SAK-17680Jasmine Thapa
- Resources displays visibility as 'public' when in View As modeSAK-17064Resolved issue: SAK-17064Gregory Thomas
- 'View As' switches group-scoped announcements from visible to hiddenSAK-17062Resolved issue: SAK-17062Savitha Prakash
- Roleswap is allowed even when site is unpublished.SAK-17048Resolved issue: SAK-17048
- Make role-switch status more visibleSAK-16095Resolved issue: SAK-16095
- "View Site As" feature doesn't revert to owner view at logoutSAK-15867Resolved issue: SAK-15867Gregory Thomas
- Linktool should be aware of student viewSAK-15272Resolved issue: SAK-15272Stephen Marquard
- Dropbox does not work correctly in student viewSAK-14958Resolved issue: SAK-14958Peter Peterson
- Student view doesn't work for admin usersSAK-14913Resolved issue: SAK-14913Stephen Marquard
- View Site as if in a Different RoleSAK-7924Resolved issue: SAK-7924Gregory Thomas
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