- Postem: Issues with Spanish charactersSAK-50422Core Team
- Responsiveness of PostEm toolSAK-50379Resolved issue: SAK-50379Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Postem: Hitting cancel when adding a new feedback file takes you out to the site overviewSAK-50270Resolved issue: SAK-50270Christopher Maurer
- Add Notifications to PostEm when new feedback is availableSAK-50045Core Team
- Multiple tools always displayed in Dark Mode, regardless of settingsSAK-49973Resolved issue: SAK-49973Core Team
- PostEm: Incorrect file type warning message is easy to miss.SAK-48771Core Team
- PostEm: Stacktrace - 21x: javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Base is null: .currentGradebook; postem.PostemFilePickerServlet.dispatchSAK-47916Core Team
- Postem: Incorrect message for invalid user in fileSAK-47915Core Team
- PostEm: Incorrect message displayed if user tries to upload an invalid fileSAK-47914Resolved issue: SAK-47914Core Team
- PostEm: Create new data entry page to replace spreadsheetsSAK-47862
- Postem: Please restore the ability to choose a file from ResourcesSAK-47821Core Team
- PostEm - Add option to grab data from a Google SheetSAK-47555
- Postem: Incorrect view if student not in PostEm fileSAK-46285Resolved issue: SAK-46285Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Postem: No space between the navigation bar and the table.SAK-46239Resolved issue: SAK-46239Miguel Pellicer
- Postem: PostemSakaiService is a singleton and should not contain variablesSAK-46121Resolved issue: SAK-46121Miguel Pellicer
- Update Thymeleaf 3.0.12SAK-45577Resolved issue: SAK-45577David Horwitz
- Postem JSF upgradeSAK-45442Resolved issue: SAK-45442Christopher Maurer
- New Postem tool with ThymeleafSAK-44883Resolved issue: SAK-44883Marcelino Rutea
- PostEm tool responsive design issuesSAK-44538Resolved issue: SAK-44538Adrian Fish
- PostEm: Wrong wording when a Post'em item is released to a user who is not in the username columnSAK-44141Resolved issue: SAK-44141Miguel Pellicer
- PostEm: Additional empty column appears between the user column and the second columnSAK-44140Resolved issue: SAK-44140Marcelino Rutea
- SWITCH: Postem: Fix bad pattern in the first selected tabSAK-43413Resolved issue: SAK-43413Miguel Pellicer
- Stack trace when returning to PostEm landing page after adding itemSAK-43194Resolved issue: SAK-43194Core Team
- PostEm: When the tool has no items the UI looks wrong.SAK-43065Resolved issue: SAK-43065Miguel Pellicer
- Update of Postem Tool descriptionSAK-42886Resolved issue: SAK-42886Marty Soupcoff (not active in Sakai community anymore)
- Many tools do not ImportSAK-42264Resolved issue: SAK-42264Adrian Fish
- Standardize primary and secondary action buttonsSAK-42036Resolved issue: SAK-42036Kyle White
- Improve Add button layout in PostemSAK-42020Core Team
- Allow Instructors to Customize Tool Icon for PostEm toolSAK-41716Core Team
- commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41630Resolved issue: SAK-41630David Horwitz
- Post Em doesn't clear the previously uploaded file from file select for a new feedback fileSAK-41407Resolved issue: SAK-41407Core Team
- PostEm: Missing for attribute in labelSAK-40896Resolved issue: SAK-40896Core Team
- PostEm > Incorrect error message when uploading wrong file typeSAK-40882Resolved issue: SAK-40882Brian J.
- Cannot update/delete postem itemsSAK-40502Resolved issue: SAK-40502Miguel Pellicer
- Prevent double-click-induced unique constraint violations in PostemSAK-39986Resolved issue: SAK-39986Core Team
- Postem fails to populate value for Released columnSAK-34089Resolved issue: SAK-34089Core Team
- Library: Restyle the action buttons for Sakai tools (Primary and Secondary actions)SAK-32491Resolved issue: SAK-32491Shawn Foster
- PostEm throwing error after file uploadSAK-32099Resolved issue: SAK-32099Core Team
- FacesContext already released in JSF tools with Tomcat 7.0.72+SAK-31912Resolved issue: SAK-31912Core Team
- No error message displayed when missing file on PostemSAK-31784Resolved issue: SAK-31784Core Team
- postem: No error messages displayed in Post 'Em.SAK-31251Resolved issue: SAK-31251Matthew Jones
- Table formatting offSAK-31098Resolved issue: SAK-31098Sam Ottenhoff
- Post'em - Morpheus issues from Test FestsSAK-31097Resolved issue: SAK-31097Core Team
- Postem is broken in trunk - Cannot get value for expression '#{PostemTool.editable}'SAK-29841Resolved issue: SAK-29841Matthew Buckett
- Update myfaces to 1.1.10SAK-29216Resolved issue: SAK-29216Sam Ottenhoff
- Provide better description for the PostEm toolSAK-29173Resolved issue: SAK-29173Brian J.
- 100% fr_FR translation of postem/'s .propertiesSAK-26245Resolved issue: SAK-26245Michelle Wagner
- Postem Sakai 10 conversion scriptSAK-26237Resolved issue: SAK-26237Sam Ottenhoff
- Lots of unused and a few duplicate i18n keysSAK-26022Resolved issue: SAK-26022Jean-François Lévêque
- Postem username field is too short causing write errors on mysqlSAK-25951Resolved issue: SAK-25951Matthew Jones
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One of my students is named Ramón Núñez Pérez. So far the other tools in Sakai display the name correctly, but Post’em does not. I’m attaching the file I used.