- Add Attachments should use bootstrap modalSAK-51053Resolved issue: SAK-51053Sam Ottenhoff
- CONTENT: All site files - hides when expanding foldersSAK-51009Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Several elements can be displayed with the same name due to the trim functionSAK-50994Core Team
- Improve Spanish translation for uploading resourcesSAK-50866Resolved issue: SAK-50866Core Team
- Improve alignment on Availability and Access for ContentSAK-50818Resolved issue: SAK-50818Sam Ottenhoff
- Antisamy: Whitelist css background-size propertySAK-50710Resolved issue: SAK-50710Markus Stetschnig
- Resources copyright setting is not updating after savingSAK-50539Resolved issue: SAK-50539Earle Nietzel
- Calculate content sizes depending on collection typeSAK-50375Resolved issue: SAK-50375Andrea Schmidt
- Blank alert message appearing in some file pickersSAK-50147Resolved issue: SAK-50147Earle Nietzel
- Replace the getters and setters in the content hosting service with annotations.SAK-49808Resolved issue: SAK-49808Adrian Fish
- Resources: Detect filetype on Jupyter NotebookSAK-49780Core Team
- Content: folders not appearing in zip downloadsSAK-49772Resolved issue: SAK-49772Core Team
- Content: Add a warning when editing URL resource detailsSAK-49521Resolved issue: SAK-49521Miguel Pellicer
- Content: Cannot download selected ZIP files for sites with comma, colon or semicolon in the titleSAK-49509Resolved issue: SAK-49509Miguel Pellicer
- Content: Cannot download ZIP files for sites with comma, colon or semicolon in the titleSAK-49508Resolved issue: SAK-49508Christopher Maurer
- Resources: Detect filetype on Jupyter NotebookSAK-49498Resolved issue: SAK-49498Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Missing Conversions in Sakai-23 Oracle Conversion Script for Several JIRAsSAK-49077Resolved issue: SAK-49077Matthew Jones
- Add explicit depends-on to beans that depend on localization propertiesSAK-48533Resolved issue: SAK-48533Core Team
- Cannot download zips in resources when selecting all the folders from a siteSAK-48426Resolved issue: SAK-48426Miguel Pellicer
- Support Single Instance Store in Content HostingSAK-48238Resolved issue: SAK-48238Charles R Severance
- Using "Copy Content from My Other Sites" checking canDeleteResourceSAK-47936Resolved issue: SAK-47936Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- CONTENT: Error org.sakaiproject.portal.api.PortalHandlerException: org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Tubería rotaSAK-47840Resolved issue: SAK-47840Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Checking licensesSAK-47806Resolved issue: SAK-47806David Horwitz
- Content: Title is missing on empy folder and current folderSAK-47585Resolved issue: SAK-47585Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Content: Title is missing from fileSAK-47572Resolved issue: SAK-47572Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Content: Upload some files cause NPE in notificationsSAK-47424Resolved issue: SAK-47424Miguel Pellicer
- Content tool: Error uploading pasted images in editorSAK-47362Resolved issue: SAK-47362Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Drop Box used quota is not working in group-user spacesSAK-46936Resolved issue: SAK-46936
- WebDav: Connection could fail if user id and user eid are same valuedSAK-46627Resolved issue: SAK-46627Jose Cebe
- Download a folder as ZIP from Resources in user sites failsSAK-46616Resolved issue: SAK-46616Jose Cebe
- Content cleanup job should limit number of resources per runSAK-45936Core Team
- samigo: All images and files embedded/attached within an assessment should be stored within the assessment and ONLY within the assessment, and should function INDEPENDENTLY of ResourcesSAK-45846Core Team
- Resources / instructor cannot set folder permissionsSAK-45756Resolved issue: SAK-45756Earle Nietzel
- content-metadata: organize ImportsSAK-45655Resolved issue: SAK-45655David Horwitz
- Adding multiple web links disables the button even if the 'bad' entry is removedSAK-45554Resolved issue: SAK-45554Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Resources: Lost ability to Add Web LinksSAK-45464Resolved issue: SAK-45464David Bauer
- Assignments / reorder - due date moved to next line when instructors have long list of assignmentsSAK-44979Miguel Pellicer
- Site import / creates multiple resource files for images in LessonsSAK-44874Resolved issue: SAK-44874Sam Ottenhoff
- Change default Copyright settingSAK-44369Eduardo Rey Jara
- Event: Time => InstantSAK-44338Resolved issue: SAK-44338David Horwitz
- RESOURCES: No session server info when clicking on iSAK-44042Resolved issue: SAK-44042Fernando Alvarez
- Resources > Edit Details > Copyright Alert > "What's this" > Alert Demo > Close button doesn't workSAK-43858Core Team
- Download URL in ZIP formatSAK-43844Core Team
- Tests & Quizzes: Silent failure for instructor/TA uploading attachments in Samigo when they lack content.hidden permissionSAK-43726Core Team
- Add optional converter for assignment submission attachment typesSAK-43541Resolved issue: SAK-43541Adrian Fish
- Content: Allow users greater control over attachments they uploaded in various tools.SAK-43334Core Team
- Create Course short description contains "$formattedText.escapeHtmlTextarea($!short_description)"SAK-43197Resolved issue: SAK-43197David Horwitz
- Velocity: Deprecated validatorSAK-43126Resolved issue: SAK-43126David Horwitz
- Deprecated Validator.getFileName => (commons-io) FilenameUtils.getNameSAK-43084Resolved issue: SAK-43084David Horwitz
- Deprecated utils.FormattedText => api.FormattedTextSAK-43083Resolved issue: SAK-43083Core Team
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