- Attendance > Take Attendance Now > Append Date to Default Attendance Item TitleSAK-49629
- Attendance > Add > Create Repeating PatternSAK-49625
- Gradebook: support for group instances and update external integrationsSAK-49493Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Move Attendance into Core toolsSAK-48985
- Gradebook: Add new method header to allow selection of category for external assignmentsSAK-47743Resolved issue: SAK-47743
- Gradebook using external tools as Assignments, Tests & Quizzes are not showing i18n titlesSAK-47291Resolved issue: SAK-47291Jose Cebe
- Attendance: new comment generates confusing alertSAK-47140
- Dark Theme | AttendanceSAK-46981Michael Greene
- Attendance - Ability to add additional statusesSAK-43949Sonia Benevides
- Attendance - Editable status titlesSAK-43948Resolved issue: SAK-43948
- Attendance / ability to import session datesSAK-42879
- Attendance / allow 'present' to be set as defaultSAK-42878
- Large course site, multiple groups, data errorsSAK-42815
- Attendance / Print page capital letters in last name display users out of orderSAK-42550
- Attendance: Student view of comment window - change "Cancel" to "Close"SAK-41577Resolved issue: SAK-41577Miguel Pellicer
- Attendance Tool needs provisioning by role, or permissions tableSAK-41022Resolved issue: SAK-41022Sam Ottenhoff
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