Large course site, multiple groups, data errors

Shawn Foster November 25, 2019 at 1:26 PM
This issue will need to be retested with newer versions of Sakai using the Attendance tool, in case the recent work, such as the PR that mentioned above, fixes some of these performance issues.
David Bauer November 25, 2019 at 1:19 PM
Hi . I wasn't aware of this particular issue, but work was done recently by our developer Joe Kozar to address seemingly similar issues with page load time and the dropdowns on the taking attendance page.
I'm not sure if you are able to test with the latest version of Attendance, but the changes dealing with this begin with pull request and are improved upon in the following 5 or 6 pull requests (the most recent was merged last Friday.

Laura Gekeler November 25, 2019 at 11:34 AM
Is Dayton aware of this? It was reported to us today.
Clicks/Actions performed during load time (10+ seconds) can compromise attendance data.