- Discussions: No keyboard only way to post a grade on discussionSAK-51159
- Lessons: siteId replacement fails after importing content if destination siteId is part of the source siteIdSAK-51154Manu Fuster
- Sitestats: Event collection duplicates event processingSAK-51153Manu Fuster
- Lessons/Gradebook: Lesson Question gradebook item can remain associated to soft-deleted lesson pageSAK-51143Core Team
- Regression: Display users present is missingSAK-51129
- Property assignment.usePeerAssessment not working correctlySAK-51128Earle Nietzel
- Lessons: Additional options are greyed out even when applicableSAK-51124Core Team
- Sitestats: Incorrect context in presence recordsSAK-51108Resolved issue: SAK-51108Manu Fuster
- Unable to add attachments in toolsSAK-51102Resolved issue: SAK-51102Sam Ottenhoff
- Commons needs a pagerSAK-51092Resolved issue: SAK-51092Adrian Fish
- Site Info: Inconsistencies when two different languages are set on two different sitesSAK-51091Core Team
- SITESTATS: "Information about last update" text is hardcodedSAK-51083Resolved issue: SAK-51083Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Wiki: Last modified by and Date info is missing on SpanishSAK-51082Resolved issue: SAK-51082Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Resources: WebDAV does not display resources if colons (:) are used when creating themSAK-51079Core Team
- Roster: Template “Special Needs” text is only in English - regardless of site language setSAK-51077Resolved issue: SAK-51077
- Roster: Template “Special Needs” text is only in English - regardless of site language setSAK-51076Resolved issue: SAK-51076Core Team
- Roster: Export CSV file headers are only in EnglishSAK-51075
- Resources: Performance issues zipping large file sizesSAK-51067Earle Nietzel
- Conversations: Search option is not visible for students even when search.enabled = trueSAK-51061Adrian Fish
- Assignments: Incorrect sorting by Descending Submitted Date - ORACLE?SAK-51059Resolved issue: SAK-51059Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Lessons: Embedding calendar in collapsible section (Start collapsed) does not display correctlySAK-51045Resolved issue: SAK-51045Manu Fuster
- Gateway: Gateway menu is not correct when you have defined some gatewaySiteList on the sakai.propertiesSAK-51035Resolved issue: SAK-51035Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Discussions: Date read-only option toggles Lock Topic, requires instructor to disable in order to update datesSAK-51027
- Organize Pinned Long site names go outside the boxSAK-51023Resolved issue: SAK-51023Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Announcements: Add Status column and filterSAK-51022Core Team
- ROSTER - When you switch to list mode, photos are not displayedSAK-51021Resolved issue: SAK-51021Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Roster - Export funcionality is brokenSAK-51020Resolved issue: SAK-51020Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Assignments - Video submssion should not be shown on classic grader when the submission is on draftSAK-51019
- GRADER - Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'focus')SAK-51018Resolved issue: SAK-51018
- Tests & Quizzes: add calculated answer values when printing an assessmentSAK-51012Resolved issue: SAK-51012Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Calendar - Frequency page is not displayed when clicking on the button on Spanish languageSAK-51010Resolved issue: SAK-51010
- CONTENT: All site files - hides when expanding foldersSAK-51009Bernardo Garcia Vila
- SECTION INFO: Change the default value from 50 to 200 in the tab Student MembershipsSAK-51008Resolved issue: SAK-51008Jesús Alonso Madrid
- When adding a Page/Tool with a title more than the allowed 99 charsSAK-51003Resolved issue: SAK-51003Earle Nietzel
- Grader: Override checkmark in group assignment sticks when moving to the next group for gradingSAK-50998
- Dashboard: Add ‘as ordered by instructor’ in dropdown for announcementsSAK-50996Adrian Fish
- Several elements can be displayed with the same name due to the trim functionSAK-50994Core Team
- Gradebook: console error if no students in course and instructor creates a GB itemSAK-50990Resolved issue: SAK-50990kunaljaykam
- samigo: accessibility issues found with aXeSAK-50986Resolved issue: SAK-50986Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- samigo: statistics bar colors incorrect in some cases and color is too faintSAK-50983Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Import from Site - Web Content: open in new window checkbox not kept on importSAK-50973Core Team
- When you impersonate a instructor and use Enter Student View, when you exit, you should return to the instructor sessions instead of admin sessionSAK-50970Resolved issue: SAK-50970Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- In the ‘View all sites’ list, the list of tools is not available.SAK-50969Resolved issue: SAK-50969Eduardo Rey Jara
- View site as is NOT working fine when roles are not Student or Access.SAK-50961Resolved issue: SAK-50961Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Assignments: Selected rubric reset on warningSAK-50960Matthew Jones
- Site Info > Edit Group Name error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'disabled')SAK-50957Core Team
- Samigo releaseTo is broken in site without groupsSAK-50952Resolved issue: SAK-50952Andrea Schmidt
- Delegated Access: Fix the expanded folder issue so an admin knows what they are selectingSAK-50949Resolved issue: SAK-50949Sam Ottenhoff
- Powered image is missing since TrinitySAK-50930Resolved issue: SAK-50930Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Assignment: When reviewing an assignment, two events are createdSAK-50925Resolved issue: SAK-50925Jesús Alonso Madrid
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