- Gradebook misalignment with very long category nameSAK-49828Resolved issue: SAK-49828Sam Ottenhoff
- T&Q: Copy from QP doesn't always load the list of QPsSAK-49598Core Team
- The "Access: exam_name" group is not created in Lessons with prerequisites unless a teacher navigates through the involved Lessons first. The exam remains inaccessible.SAK-49339Resolved issue: SAK-49339Vicent Alfonso
- Web link does not display correctly in Dark ModeSAK-49318Resolved issue: SAK-49318kunaljaykam
- Group assignments with prerequisites inaccessible in LessonsSAK-49294Resolved issue: SAK-49294Vicent Alfonso
- CSS - Font-Family declaration missing quotes around "Open Sans"SAK-49210Resolved issue: SAK-49210
- CKEditor / Rich text editor (Desktop view) - The "streamlined interface" is not streamlined; please add the popular toolsSAK-49196Resolved issue: SAK-49196Kenneth Aragon
- Samigo: Table page length select is small and not aligned with label (22.x)SAK-49025Resolved issue: SAK-49025kunaljaykam
- Lessons Page Settings Not Retained on Import from SiteSAK-48995Resolved issue: SAK-48995Sean Horner
- Add an Edit Section button to the Syllabus toolSAK-48990Core Team
- Allow instructor ROLE to submit on behalf of student w/o changing accept until dateSAK-48989Earle Nietzel
- Announcements should support removal of data when a site is hard deletedSAK-48959Resolved issue: SAK-48959Core Team
- Grader: Missing ES strings.SAK-48952Resolved issue: SAK-48952Miguel Pellicer
- Archive published assessments and question poolsSAK-48939Resolved issue: SAK-48939Stephen Marquard
- Updated Help Content for 22.3SAK-48932Wilma Hodges
- Rubrics criterion description can load lots of instances of CKEditor on page load (Sakai 22.x only)SAK-48931Resolved issue: SAK-48931Miguel Pellicer
- Additional options for limiting tool visibility in External Tool setupSAK-48930Resolved issue: SAK-48930Zhuo Yang
- Assignments should support removal of data when a site is hard deletedSAK-48874Resolved issue: SAK-48874Earle Nietzel
- Site bar / ability to lock a site so it remains on the site barSAK-48870
- Rubrics: Recover of created and modified dataSAK-48854
- Tests & Quizzes - Add data validation to assessment title when adding or editing an assessmentSAK-48836Core Team
- Assignments - Add data validation to the Assignment Title to avoid Gradebook issuesSAK-48835
- Gradebook - Correct warning alert when user starts a Gradebook item with a special characterSAK-48834
- Update org.hsqldb to at least 2.7.1SAK-48826Resolved issue: SAK-48826Sam Ottenhoff
- Worksite Setup: Hard Delete of sites can cause AuthzRealmLockExceptionSAK-48822Earle Nietzel
- Expunge softly deleted site job does not delete AuthzGroup for groupsSAK-48820Resolved issue: SAK-48820Core Team
- Enabled Soft Site Delete does not HardDelete Special and User SitesSAK-48770Core Team
- Import: Import Assignment with option published and calendar event creates new event with old groupIdSAK-48766Earle Nietzel
- Lessons: archive inline audio recordings and cross-site mediaSAK-48756Resolved issue: SAK-48756Stephen Marquard
- Add DAV namespace to Sakai archive xml filesSAK-48751Resolved issue: SAK-48751Stephen Marquard
- Rubrics: Duplicate IDs cause Rubric summaries to fail from previewSAK-48715Resolved issue: SAK-48715Joseph Kozar
- Rubrics: Improvements to PDF generatorSAK-48708Resolved issue: SAK-48708Joseph Kozar
- Rubrics: Bring back PDF exports of Publicly Shared rubricsSAK-48678Resolved issue: SAK-48678Joseph Kozar
- Conversation / unable to alter options in General SettingsSAK-48637Resolved issue: SAK-48637Adrian Fish
- Rubrics during site import associations are linked to the rubric in the from siteSAK-48607Resolved issue: SAK-48607Earle Nietzel
- Rubrics / print displaySAK-48602Resolved issue: SAK-48602
- Rubrics exception when more than 1 active association exists after a site importSAK-48601Resolved issue: SAK-48601Earle Nietzel
- Messages: Threaded view is out of orderSAK-48583
- Assignments: New Grading Interface - TA attaching document for Feedback causes errorSAK-48563Earle Nietzel
- Tests & Quizzes: Remove obsolete osid code from SamigoSAK-48559Core Team
- Tests & Quizzes: Error grading question when using the features from SAK-43768SAK-48545Resolved issue: SAK-48545Miguel Pellicer
- Apache Maven >= 3.9, some plugins are causing an errorSAK-48511Resolved issue: SAK-48511Matthew Jones
- Library: Static Content: Use HTML codes instead of accented charactersSAK-48503Resolved issue: SAK-48503Miguel Pellicer
- Sitestats external db needs to use traditional generator mappingsSAK-48499Resolved issue: SAK-48499Earle Nietzel
- HardDelete of resouces containing a CitationsList, creates artefacts in the databaseSAK-48460
- Oracle: Update Oracle scripts for 21 and 22SAK-48459Resolved issue: SAK-48459Miguel Pellicer
- HardDelete in tool resources fails, if same file is in trash and resource folder, but file path differs in terms of case sensitivitySAK-48458
- Importing tests & quizzes from other site is not creating groups. also making it consistent when importing tools from webservicesSAK-48424Resolved issue: SAK-48424Miguel Pellicer
- Site Info page does not display membership link in the expandable/collapsible sections for instructorsSAK-48360
- Change cookie default to SameSite=NoneSAK-48347Resolved issue: SAK-48347Sam Ottenhoff
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