- samigo, accessibility: Issues with "What's this?" pop-up windows for MC questions and mark for reviewSAK-47128
- Profile, accessibility: Improvements to Name pronunciation and pronouns areaSAK-46794Mitchell Dunn
- Roster, accessibility: Clean up roster views and improve accessibilitySAK-46779Mitchell Dunn
- Feature request: Discussions - add "Authored - New" and "Authored - Replies" table columns to grading by forum/topic tablesSAK-46760Resolved issue: SAK-46760Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Date Manager, Samigo: Date Manager should allow you to update submission deadline when late submissions are allowedSAK-46730Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Date Manager, Samigo: Save confirmation dialog does not distinguish between draft and published assessmentsSAK-46729Resolved issue: SAK-46729Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Date Manager: Multiple issues with setting Samigo dates via Date ManagerSAK-46728Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Better error message when attempting to publish assessment with wrong points value in a drop lowest categorySAK-46657Resolved issue: SAK-46657Sam Ottenhoff
- samigo: Add more detailed logging for instructor edits to question poolsSAK-46642Mitchell Dunn
- Date manager: Heading text and error messages related to Samigo are not consistent with those found within the toolSAK-46571Resolved issue: SAK-46571Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- assignment/gradebook: for external assignments, remove grades from GB when user submission removes source grade from assignmentSAK-46558Kevin Carruth
- samigo, accessibility: Accessibility issues with Export page.SAK-46505Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Bad behavior if student remains on Samigo home page with in-progress quiz and instructor edits date settings, autosubmitting that quizSAK-46502Mitchell Dunn
- Feature request: Discussions - Improve Discussions Statistics & Grading pagesSAK-46452Resolved issue: SAK-46452Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Feature request: Discussions - Option to export Statistics & Grading table as a spreadsheetSAK-46451Resolved issue: SAK-46451Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Feature request: Discussions - In Statistics & Grading, distinguish original post counts from repliesSAK-46425Resolved issue: SAK-46425Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Discussions/Forums: Comments/feedback auto-fill is not available in Statistics & Grading by TopicSAK-46372Resolved issue: SAK-46372Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Announcements - Allow instructor to save preferred default email notification option on per-site basis.SAK-46313Core Team
- Discussions: Improve Notifications page accessibility and make options easier to understandSAK-46311Resolved issue: SAK-46311Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- Discussions - If instructor sends email to a student from Discussions, the subject line replaces spaces and special characters with HTML codeSAK-46280Resolved issue: SAK-46280Bernardo Garcia Vila
- assignments, groups: Groups with no submission are inappropriately locked when below a group with a submission in the list of groupsSAK-46189Resolved issue: SAK-46189Andrea Schmidt
- Date Manager > Nullable fields for some activities needs to be allowedSAK-46023Resolved issue: SAK-46023
- samigo: Remove "small" tags applied to part title and description in delivery, fix heading structure, and remove h4 from part descriptionSAK-45973Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Display minimum point value and negative marking, when present, on the Questions editing screenSAK-45912Mitchell Dunn
- samigo, gradebook: If you use Tests & Quizzes > Settings to change the title, recorded score, or category of a published quiz that has been added to a gradebook with categories, the gradebook item settings (e.g., extra credit) get resetSAK-45819Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: If you have a timed quiz, and a student has an exception with no time limit, the excepted student can stay in the quiz and submit it long after their exception deadline.SAK-45786Mitchell Dunn
- Samigo: Allow Retake link should never display for instructor if student has submissions remaining on base assessment submission counter.SAK-45754David Hutchins
- Samigo: Export to Markup Text warning has issuesSAK-45718Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Feedback auto-fill is not available on Questions grading screens.SAK-45702Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: View All drop-down should always be available in Scores > Questions grading screens (even when 1 submission only)SAK-45699David Hutchins
- Samigo: Cannot edit Matching question with None of the Above or Existing Match answer in Published Copies, or it breaksSAK-45676Core Team
- samigo: Improve Begin Assessment/Submission Confirmation screen message to student when retake is allowedSAK-45552Mitchell Dunn
- Assignments: Make add/edit assignment page have more intuitive organizationSAK-45526Earle Nietzel
- samigo: Make important actions in Tests & Quizzes more noticeable with buttons rather than linksSAK-45476David Hutchins
- samigo: Email notification on publish includes same text to all students, including those with date/time exceptions - needs clarificationSAK-45471Mitchell Dunn
- Discussions/Forums: Checkboxes are not associated to parent labels in Template/Forum/Topic SettingsSAK-45399Resolved issue: SAK-45399Guneshi Wickramaarachchi
- samigo, accessibility: Alert for invalid numeric response answer prevents Javascript UI timer from functioning correctlySAK-45388Mitchell Dunn
- samigo, accessibility: Fix usability/accessibility issues with the "Helper text" on numeric responseSAK-45386Mitchell Dunn
- Discussions/Forums - when changing permissions for some roles/groups from Contributor to something else, then automatically creating forums/topics for groups, the permissions are not inherited as expected.SAK-45366
- Date Manager lists should be reorderable by title or datesSAK-45284David Hutchins
- samigo: Exceptions to time limit/delivery dates allow you to set two different exceptions for a single user/group.SAK-45277Resolved issue: SAK-45277Mitchell Dunn
- samigo: Inappropriately placed LaTeX markup warning on fill in the blank, numeric response, and calculated question authoring pages needs to be fixed or removedSAK-45259Mitchell Dunn
- Allow for grade override via export/importSAK-45156Kevin Carruth
- gradebook, feature request: Ignore dropped/excused grade indicators on importSAK-45084
- gradebook, feature request: Add dropped/excused grade indicators in export spreadsheetSAK-45083
- samigo: Add Assessments page is inconsistent with similar Sakai pagesSAK-45082Mitchell Dunn
- Samigo: Revert SAK-44320 AutoSubmit Event Log submitted date change - if desired, add new columnSAK-44446Mitchell Dunn
- T&Q: Instructor allowing a retake after the due date is ALWAYS prompted to change settings, even when not needed.SAK-44334Mitchell Dunn
- Feature request: Allow Import from Site to copy in empty ad hoc groups (e.g., joinable groups)SAK-44330Mitchell Dunn
- External tool should be able to add any point value to an equal-weighted categorySAK-43994Resolved issue: SAK-43994Sam Ottenhoff
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samigo, accessibility: Issues with "What's this?" pop-up windows for MC questions and mark for review
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Tiffany Stull
Tiffany StullLabels
Created April 5, 2022 at 4:27 PM
Updated April 23, 2023 at 3:16 PM
There are a couple issues with Samigo “What’s this?” pop-up windows:
They are hard to read because the pages in the pop-ups don't have any padding.
Note: This second issue should be considered critical or blocker due to possible loss of student answers when it occurs! Clicking the What's This? link for Mark for Review for an Audio Recording question will make a popup appear that takes the student back to the main samigo page. Because opening the main page of samigo is known to cause data discrepancy issues that may result in the loss of a student’s answers, this is extremely problematic.
Known locations of problem pages:
Instructor > Tests & Quizzes > Create quiz > Add multiple choice question > page that opens from the (What's this?) link next to the Answer types
Student > Tests & Quizzes > Take a quiz with Mark for Review enabled > page that opens from What's This? link for Mark for Review feature
The accessibility issue with the windows is for sighted users; screen reader QA is not needed.