T&Q: Instructor allowing a retake after the due date is ALWAYS prompted to change settings, even when not needed.
- 30 Jun 2021, 10:05 AM
- 25 Jun 2021, 07:40 AM
- 21 Sep 2020, 06:50 PM
depends on
is related to
Tiffany Stull August 12, 2021 at 11:56 AM
The fix to this requires updates to exceptions logic - linking https://sakaiproject.atlassian.net/browse/SAK-34323#icft=SAK-34323 to identify dependencies.
Tiffany Stull June 30, 2021 at 10:03 AMEdited
@Andrea Schmidt I'll add the test plan from my local jira.
As long as the affected student's retract date is in the future, the instructor should be getting the standard message with the "Allow Retake" button that returns the instructor to Submission Status page after clicking it. In this case, "Allow Retake and Go to Settings" version of the message was keying off of due date and displaying in all cases where the instructor attempted to allow a retake after the due date.
UVA has a local fix I'm working on testing right now.
A test I had included for students submitting once to a 2-submission quiz and then doing a retake after the due date failed due to the issue in SAK-34519.
I'm still testing. I thought of the following test case, but since I'm not sure what checks are performed on allowing a retake, I do not yet know the expected outcome (I will note here when I determine it):
1-submission quiz with a time limit, no late allowed. Student makes submission before due date. Instructor waits until the difference between "now" (when they are making the exception) and the due date would be shorter than the time limit allowed. Ideally, the instructor would get the prompt to go to Settings to extend the time limit, but since the assessment Settings time limit/availability window check is based on the difference between available date and assessment deadline, I'm not positive if the instructor would actually get any warning here to change settings.
Andrea Schmidt June 25, 2021 at 5:52 PM
Retested on 20x and if the instructor clicks "Allow retake and go to settings", then cancels on settings, the students were able to take the quiz again. It is a little annoying to be taken to settings when I just want to go to the next student to allow a retake.
22x behaves the same way. So, since the student actually can retake the quiz, I think probably the best thing is to rewrite this test plan and the description.
What do you think? I believe the instructor should be taken either back to the Submission Status page or the Total Scores page.
Andrea Schmidt June 25, 2021 at 4:16 PM
@Tiffany Stull It's been 9 months since I created this Jira. I will need to go back and retest to see what (if anything) has changed and if I need to modify the description or test plan.
Tiffany Stull June 25, 2021 at 7:42 AMEdited
@Andrea Schmidt I encountered the following yesterday in testing in Sakai 20 at UVA (we have some backports of other samigo fixes):
Created quiz with 2 submissions allowed, due in 2 minutes from now, late submissions enabled until tomorrow.
As student, submitted assessment twice before due date.
As instructor, a couple minutes after the due date, allowed retake. Incorrect behavior: I was warned that this student would not be able to take the quiz, prompted to go to Settings to set an exception.
As instructor, I clicked Allow Retake and Go to Settings. However, I did NOT modify the settings or create an exception.
As student, I was able to successfully retake and submit the quiz successfully anyway (expected behavior).
I get the same behavior with a 1-submission quiz.
I think the problem here is not that the instructor is required to change the dates for the student to retake the quiz, but that the instructor is prompted to change the dates. Can you please let me know if this is what you experienced?
@Andrea Schmidt I reviewed your testing steps above and I see that you mentioned an unlimited-submission quiz. I think there are two separate issues that have been confused by the testing steps here: https://sakaiproject.atlassian.net/browse/SAK-34519#icft=SAK-34519 (student cannot retake quiz after due date but before late submission date when multiple submissions were allowed) and this new issue of the prompt to modify settings appearing when it should not.
SAK-44286 introduced a new warning to instructors who are attempting to allow retakes when the assessment dates do not allow them to be taken. Instead of just clicking Allow Retake, they are also automatically sent to Settings to modify the dates. While this is good, the request to modify settings is also occurring when an assessment allows late submissions, the student has completed all available submissions before the due date, and the instructor attempts to allow a resubmission after the due date but before the assessment resubmission date.
The Allow Retake and go to Settings prompt should ONLY appear when it is correct that the instructor must modify dates or set an exception for the student to retake the assessment.