- Configure delimiters in Numeric Response questionsSAK-50835Core Team
- Tests with SEB should return to T&Q parent page instead of "Begin Assessment" pageSAK-50599Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Tests configured with SEB can't be printed in draft modeSAK-50598Core Team
- Group submissions disabled when editing an assignmentSAK-50133
- URLs retrieved from provider's API are not stored in databaseSAK-49797
- Rubrics: content not loading due to tool being brokenSAK-49765Resolved issue: SAK-49765
- Sort attachments by nameSAK-49721Resolved issue: SAK-49721Daniel Merino
- Imported test with long title can't be previewed nor publishedSAK-49313Core Team
- Contradictory change in AUTO_FORWARD field at migration scriptsSAK-49277
- FORUMS: Negative number on read messages and more than 100% on Percentage columnSAK-49081
- Private Messages: The 'Date Scheduled' of scheduled messages is not displayed.SAK-49043Resolved issue: SAK-49043Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Incorrect order in drop down menu in some languages (spanish, catalan, ...)SAK-49021Core Team
- Site Info > Manage Groups > Bulk Creation: Error Linux line endingSAK-49018Core Team
- Delete automatically old unread bullhornsSAK-48955
- Gradebook: Should remove rubric association when GB item is removedSAK-48860Resolved issue: SAK-48860
- ERROR org.sakaiproject.user.tool.entity.UserPrefsEntityProvider.getPreferencesEdit getPreferencesEdit:SAK-48677
- Unread messages missmatch in Discussions / ForumSAK-48283
- GRADER: Where is the responsive design?SAK-47951Resolved issue: SAK-47951
- Error 500 - Direct request failure: EntityNotFoundException:Invalid user.SAK-47894Resolved issue: SAK-47894Victor Gomollon Martos
- When a group is created on Section Info, the user who has created should be assigned TA automaticallySAK-47873Eduardo Rey Jara
- WC Grader: Bad decision to put the group selector inside the SettingsSAK-47637Resolved issue: SAK-47637Adrian Fish
- Assignments: Displaying "Ungraded" on non points type assignments is just visual clutter. Leaving it blank like ungraded points is preferable.SAK-47636Resolved issue: SAK-47636Adrian Fish
- WC Grader: Only show ungraded submissions is not working on Checkmark, Letter Grades and P/F assignmentsSAK-47630Resolved issue: SAK-47630Adrian Fish
- Dark mode: Copyright header on ResourcesSAK-47563
- RUBRICS: A lots of 500 Errors api/sites/undefined/rubric-evaluationsSAK-47544Resolved issue: SAK-47544Adrian Fish
- Assigments: Can't proceed after edit on Video SubmissionSAK-47535
- Assignments: No file extension on Video SubmissionSAK-47534
- Grade statistics incorrect distribution of some edge valuesSAK-47492
- WC Grader: Accept Until appears on Spanish format although the site is on EnglishSAK-47482
- Worklog Alert: Please specify the estimated duration of the assigment when is no mandatorySAK-47463Victor Gomollon Martos
- Announcements: Edit tab appears only when editing from the view tab but not when editing from previewSAK-47450Resolved issue: SAK-47450Fernando Alvarez
- Lessons: Links to Tests & Quizzes not visible in imported site unless instructor visits the pageSAK-47385Resolved issue: SAK-47385Vicent Alfonso
- Dark mode: Comments surrounded by double curly braces, {{like this}}, will appear red to the student.SAK-47345
- Name Sort Order UmbrellaSAK-47096Resolved issue: SAK-47096
- Statistics presence time reports shouldn't show more than 2 decimalsSAK-47026Resolved issue: SAK-47026Jose Cebe
- GRADEBOOK: Letter E is messing on Grading SchemaSAK-46883
- Assignments - History date is always shown in EnglishSAK-46841
- Resources: "Plus" sign should be in Other Sites folders with tree view availableSAK-46725Resolved issue: SAK-46725Jose Cebe
- Messages: Permissions tab is shown asking if isInstructor() (wrong checking site.upd permission)SAK-46576Resolved issue: SAK-46576Adrian Fish
- Participant member of 2 or more groups is being not shown in an assignment submissions listSAK-46545Resolved issue: SAK-46545Jose Cebe
- Rubrics: Decimal comma changed to point in criterion total columnSAK-46101
- SAMIGO: Error while trying to duplicate Rubrics: 401SAK-45833Resolved issue: SAK-45833Core Team
- SAMIGO - Error 500 when autosavingSAK-45568
- Lessons: Some Lessons tables are not createdSAK-45565Resolved issue: SAK-45565Miguel Pellicer
- Assignments: Cannot create assignments in MasterSAK-45512Resolved issue: SAK-45512Miguel Pellicer
- IP filter list is broken (single IPs are taken as they ended with wildcards)SAK-45397Resolved issue: SAK-45397Daniel Merino
- Student can't view instructor comments in rubricsSAK-45210Resolved issue: SAK-45210Earle Nietzel
- Show Controls should be selected in Movie PlayerSAK-45131Resolved issue: SAK-45131Eduardo Rey Jara
- Samigo is not properly styled when embedded in LessonsSAK-44732Adrian Fish
- Rubrics: Hiding, then unhiding the rubrics tool allows students to see and work with rubricsSAK-44728Resolved issue: SAK-44728Adrian Fish
50 of 87
In SAK-34477 the FITB questions were modified adding a new field in their settings that allowed to change the delimiter characters used for the answer.
This was specially useful for using LaTex code in the question text, as curly brackets are commonly used in LaTex and they are the default delimiters in some Sakai questions (FITB, Numeric, Calculated).
The same setting should be added to Numeric Response questions.