- Configure delimiters in Numeric Response questionsSAK-50835Core Team
- Tests with SEB should return to T&Q parent page instead of "Begin Assessment" pageSAK-50599Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Tests configured with SEB can't be printed in draft modeSAK-50598Core Team
- Group submissions disabled when editing an assignmentSAK-50133
- URLs retrieved from provider's API are not stored in databaseSAK-49797
- Rubrics: content not loading due to tool being brokenSAK-49765Resolved issue: SAK-49765
- Sort attachments by nameSAK-49721Resolved issue: SAK-49721Daniel Merino
- Imported test with long title can't be previewed nor publishedSAK-49313Core Team
- Contradictory change in AUTO_FORWARD field at migration scriptsSAK-49277
- FORUMS: Negative number on read messages and more than 100% on Percentage columnSAK-49081
- Private Messages: The 'Date Scheduled' of scheduled messages is not displayed.SAK-49043Resolved issue: SAK-49043Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Incorrect order in drop down menu in some languages (spanish, catalan, ...)SAK-49021Core Team
- Site Info > Manage Groups > Bulk Creation: Error Linux line endingSAK-49018Core Team
- Delete automatically old unread bullhornsSAK-48955
- Gradebook: Should remove rubric association when GB item is removedSAK-48860Resolved issue: SAK-48860
- ERROR org.sakaiproject.user.tool.entity.UserPrefsEntityProvider.getPreferencesEdit getPreferencesEdit:SAK-48677
- Unread messages missmatch in Discussions / ForumSAK-48283
- GRADER: Where is the responsive design?SAK-47951Resolved issue: SAK-47951
- Error 500 - Direct request failure: EntityNotFoundException:Invalid user.SAK-47894Resolved issue: SAK-47894Victor Gomollon Martos
- When a group is created on Section Info, the user who has created should be assigned TA automaticallySAK-47873Eduardo Rey Jara
- WC Grader: Bad decision to put the group selector inside the SettingsSAK-47637Resolved issue: SAK-47637Adrian Fish
- Assignments: Displaying "Ungraded" on non points type assignments is just visual clutter. Leaving it blank like ungraded points is preferable.SAK-47636Resolved issue: SAK-47636Adrian Fish
- WC Grader: Only show ungraded submissions is not working on Checkmark, Letter Grades and P/F assignmentsSAK-47630Resolved issue: SAK-47630Adrian Fish
- Dark mode: Copyright header on ResourcesSAK-47563
- RUBRICS: A lots of 500 Errors api/sites/undefined/rubric-evaluationsSAK-47544Resolved issue: SAK-47544Adrian Fish
- Assigments: Can't proceed after edit on Video SubmissionSAK-47535
- Assignments: No file extension on Video SubmissionSAK-47534
- Grade statistics incorrect distribution of some edge valuesSAK-47492
- WC Grader: Accept Until appears on Spanish format although the site is on EnglishSAK-47482
- Worklog Alert: Please specify the estimated duration of the assigment when is no mandatorySAK-47463Victor Gomollon Martos
- Announcements: Edit tab appears only when editing from the view tab but not when editing from previewSAK-47450Resolved issue: SAK-47450Fernando Alvarez
- Lessons: Links to Tests & Quizzes not visible in imported site unless instructor visits the pageSAK-47385Resolved issue: SAK-47385Vicent Alfonso
- Dark mode: Comments surrounded by double curly braces, {{like this}}, will appear red to the student.SAK-47345
- Name Sort Order UmbrellaSAK-47096Resolved issue: SAK-47096
- Statistics presence time reports shouldn't show more than 2 decimalsSAK-47026Resolved issue: SAK-47026Jose Cebe
- GRADEBOOK: Letter E is messing on Grading SchemaSAK-46883
- Assignments - History date is always shown in EnglishSAK-46841
- Resources: "Plus" sign should be in Other Sites folders with tree view availableSAK-46725Resolved issue: SAK-46725Jose Cebe
- Messages: Permissions tab is shown asking if isInstructor() (wrong checking site.upd permission)SAK-46576Resolved issue: SAK-46576Adrian Fish
- Participant member of 2 or more groups is being not shown in an assignment submissions listSAK-46545Resolved issue: SAK-46545Jose Cebe
- Rubrics: Decimal comma changed to point in criterion total columnSAK-46101
- SAMIGO: Error while trying to duplicate Rubrics: 401SAK-45833Resolved issue: SAK-45833Core Team
- SAMIGO - Error 500 when autosavingSAK-45568
- Lessons: Some Lessons tables are not createdSAK-45565Resolved issue: SAK-45565Miguel Pellicer
- Assignments: Cannot create assignments in MasterSAK-45512Resolved issue: SAK-45512Miguel Pellicer
- IP filter list is broken (single IPs are taken as they ended with wildcards)SAK-45397Resolved issue: SAK-45397Daniel Merino
- Student can't view instructor comments in rubricsSAK-45210Resolved issue: SAK-45210Earle Nietzel
- Show Controls should be selected in Movie PlayerSAK-45131Resolved issue: SAK-45131Eduardo Rey Jara
- Samigo is not properly styled when embedded in LessonsSAK-44732Adrian Fish
- Rubrics: Hiding, then unhiding the rubrics tool allows students to see and work with rubricsSAK-44728Resolved issue: SAK-44728Adrian Fish
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