- Accessibility: Button sizing and spacing issues for WCAG 2.5.8SAK-50615
- Syllabus: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50589Core Team
- Drop Box: Folder Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50588
- Announcements: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50587Core Team
- Lessons: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50586Core Team
- Gradebook: Categories&Weighing Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50585
- Resources: Folder Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50584
- Site Info: Tool Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50583Core Team
- Statistics: "Show more" button does not have a keyboard focus indicatorSAK-50582Resolved issue: SAK-50582Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Calendar: Cannot remove a custom fieldSAK-50581Resolved issue: SAK-50581Sean Horner
- Site Info: info "i" circle on main Site Information page fails WCAG 1.4.13SAK-50580Core Team
- Lessons: "Add Question" fields have no indication they are disabledSAK-50579Core Team
- Assignments: Auto-save popup has a low contrast ratio and is hard to readSAK-50578
- Chat Room: Buttons overlap when zoomed inSAK-50577
- Worksite Setup: Create Site has a horizontal scroll barSAK-50576Core Team
- Rubrics there needs to be a keyboard-only method for screen reader users to mimic the “drag to reorder” option for editing criterion/ratingsSAK-50538Matthew Jones
- Search: Add/Update Help Documentation for Search ToolSAK-50228
- Rubrics” “Edit” and “Remove” options still using the generic “new Rubric” reference when edit Rubric page first loadsSAK-50111
- Dashboard: Inconsistencies with information being displayed in the “Grades” widget area of Instructor viewSAK-49999Adrian Fish
- Rubrics: New keyboard-only method for mimicking the “drag to reorder” option not working for screen reader usersSAK-49936
- Rubrics: Add actual name to generic tooltipsSAK-49934Resolved issue: SAK-49934Sean Horner
- Section Info: Need a direct way to navigate back to the main “Student Memberships” page/list of Students after assigning/unassigning a StudentSAK-49928Resolved issue: SAK-49928Matthew Jones
- Rubrics: Removing a newly-created criterion before refreshing the page shows the wrong nameSAK-49921Resolved issue: SAK-49921Sean Horner
- Announcements: While Keyboard testing, when tried to copy the RSS URL within the tool, unable to copy and paste in a new browser using keyboard.SAK-49832Core Team
- Discussion- While keyboard testing, when tried to access the grade section within the tool, unable to grade.SAK-49831
- Gateway Accessibility issue: Site browser select element does not have an accessible nameSAK-49779Shivangi Kumar
- Gateway Accessibility issue: ARIA attributes must conform to valid values - sidebar issueSAK-49778Resolved issue: SAK-49778Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Notifications: “Profile Status” update alerts missing descriptions in “Notifications” panel displaySAK-49748
- Notifications: Screen reader focus moving outside of modal after selecting “Marked all as viewed” or “Clear all” buttonsSAK-49744
- Notifications: Screen reader's inability to interact with "red circle" graphic next to bell icon is rendering "Marked all as viewed" feature inaccessible as wellSAK-49743
- Notifications: The “red circle” graphic that appears next to the Bell icon in the top navigation is not screen reader accessibleSAK-49741
- Test and Quizzes: While keyboard testing cannot expand "CK Editor" menu.SAK-49737Core Team
- Tests & Quizzes : While keyboard testing "Publish" button grey's out post selection.SAK-49696Core Team
- Test and Quizzes - Cant access the Add attachments button when giving feedbackSAK-49681Core Team
- Unable to activate the “Create New Site” button with the keyboardSAK-49624Resolved issue: SAK-49624
- Accessibility: Address insufficient color contrast issues with text/links on Gateway pageSAK-49519Resolved issue: SAK-49519kunaljaykam
- T&Q: Statistics issuesSAK-49447Core Team
- Conversations: aria labels needed for upvote countSAK-49304Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Under General Settings, unable to toggle options off/on using the JAWS screen readerSAK-49300Adrian Fish
- Accessibility: Address insufficient color contrast issues with text/links on Gateway pageSAK-49244Resolved issue: SAK-49244kunaljaykam
- Tests and Quizzes - Publish Button doesnt work when hitting enter with keyboardSAK-49228Adrian Fish
- Accessibility: "Site Drawer" has some H3 tags that are out of sequenceSAK-49200
- Rubrics: Resolve remaining accessibility issues RE: SAK-48580SAK-49163
- Rubrics: Tooltips missing for Edit rubric, Edit CriterionSAK-49091Resolved issue: SAK-49091Christopher Maurer
- Tool menu is not keyboard accessibleSAK-49071
- Calendar Widget / Date Picker: Accessibility: Date picker button needs to be labeled and indicate when it is opened/closedSAK-49044Resolved issue: SAK-49044kunaljaykam
- Calendar Widget / Date Picker: Accessibility: All date picker buttons in 22.X and earlier versions should be hidden from screen reader usersSAK-49036Resolved issue: SAK-49036
- Calendar Widget / Date Picker: Accessibility: Its not clear what the purpose of the “Now” button isSAK-49034
- Calendar Widget / Date Picker: Accessibility: Improvements to Time Selector ControlsSAK-49033
- Gradebook: Unable to use keyboard to navigate to the dropdown menus in the Grades data tableSAK-48996Resolved issue: SAK-48996Adrian Fish
50 of 231
Accessibility: Button sizing and spacing issues for WCAG 2.5.8
Affects versions
23 Status
Please Merge
Sam Ahrens
Sam AhrensLabels
Created October 17, 2024 at 10:07 PM
Updated October 18, 2024 at 9:42 AM
In order to achieve compliance with the new WCAG 2.2 success criteria 2.5.8, this requires pointer inputs (buttons) to be either 24x24 pixels large, or spaced 24 pixels away from other pointer inputs. Most of Sakai follows this criteria, but there’s a few instances, mainly with radio buttons (only 16x16 pixels), that are too small and spaced a little too close (see screenshots for a few examples).
This is a note found on the success criteria’s page:
This Success Criterion defines a minimum size and, if this can't be met, a minimum spacing. It is still possible to have very small, and difficult to activate, targets and meet the requirements of this Success Criterion, provided that the targets don't have any adjacent targets that are too close. However, using larger target sizes will help many people use targets more easily. As a best practice it is recommended to at least meet the minimum size requirement of the Success Criterion, regardless of spacing.