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Add a property to control refresh authzgroup call.



After was applied, environments with CM implementations has performance issues. The communication with CM implementation made refreshAuthzGroup method critical in terms of performance and it should not be called in background.

Create a new property to disable the call could be a good solution to this.



Affects versions




Property addition/change required

Created November 6, 2014 at 6:58 AM
Updated April 25, 2018 at 3:34 PM
Resolved January 26, 2015 at 9:50 AM



Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén February 13, 2015 at 2:42 AM

Hi, In our case we need this feature in the code. We have two kinds of provided sites. Some with a regular CM implementation and others that have another approximation. The realms provided by CM would be fine with KNL- 1325 but the others not. Those realms must be never refreshed. People when access to sakai are automatically joined to the realm but if you refresh the realm you empty the list. Is something like the sample provider implementation. Those providers uses our user types and other ldap attributes to determine if they must be in a site or not, but we don't extract the inverse query (who must be in this site). We use them to get big sites like intranet sites, faculty, etc.

So, we really need that refreshAuth don't be automatically launched, just when admin wants.

To the last comment of Juanjo I would add that the property should be in the GroupProvider api also and delegate the quey to the CM also. That way we could maintain those provided realms unchanged returning false each time the hasChanged is called.

Juanjo Meroño February 5, 2015 at 4:07 AM

I think we could add more efficiency to refreshAuthzGroup if we add a new method in the CM API. Something like "boolean hasChanged(realm)", by default the implementation of this method could always return true (so refresh is always called), but anyone can implement the logic of this method to return false if you know that nothing has changed and refreshAuthzGroup is not needed. This new method could be documented in the CM Integration confluence page, I think is this one:

Make sense file a new jira to add this new method?

Earle Nietzel February 3, 2015 at 10:04 AM

I understand your use case, but the original issue is that refreshAuthzGroup was inefficient and can cause users to experience longer than average page loads (performance issue). The issue in resolved these inefficiencies which is the original user story here.

Matthew Buckett January 26, 2015 at 11:13 AM

I don't see the harm in allowing the refresh to be disabled. I agree there may be better solutions, but if you know that your CM integration updates only once a day at 6am and you run a quartz job to pull the changes into Sakai at 7am, why would you want any other refreshing no matter how efficient?

Earle Nietzel January 26, 2015 at 9:50 AM

There is a more efficient approach to reduce the refreshAuthzGroup load see KNL-1325.
