- Add a property to control refresh authzgroup call.SAK-39502Resolved issue: SAK-39502KERNEL TEAM
- Course enrollment doesn't update when viewing the course rosterSAK-39274Resolved issue: SAK-39274Robert Long
- Number format L10N fails in assignments related to gradebook items.SAK-39006Resolved issue: SAK-39006Juanjo Meroño
- Unable to manually override MIME typeSAK-38695Resolved issue: SAK-38695Matthew Buckett
- LRS code throws exception when using extra creditSAK-38688Resolved issue: SAK-38688Sam Ottenhoff
- Using the same id in trash causes a lot of problemsSAK-38682Resolved issue: SAK-38682Matthew Buckett
- Stop sending auto emails when adding a fileSAK-38577Resolved issue: SAK-38577Core Team
- Lessons is ignoring auto.ddl propertySAK-38005Resolved issue: SAK-38005Charles Hedrick
- Add a "Select All" button to the copy from question pool pageSAK-37229Resolved issue: SAK-37229Raúl Sánchez Vegas
- Showing and hiding rich text editor produces incorrect resultsSAK-37162Resolved issue: SAK-37162Juanjo Meroño
- sendNotification uses a lot of split i18n strings in mail contentSAK-36893Resolved issue: SAK-36893SAMIGO TEAM
- 'Last Modified' date is not shown after importing an assessmentSAK-36285Resolved issue: SAK-36285Juanjo Meroño
- Confirm submission button doesn't work (Oracle)SAK-36173Resolved issue: SAK-36173Juanjo Meroño
- Sequence name changed without database modificationSAK-36172Resolved issue: SAK-36172Jaques Smith
- Samigo: The export-import fails when the specified IP addresses length is greater than 255 charactersSAK-35901Resolved issue: SAK-35901Juanjo Meroño
- Survey questions: import lost attachmentSAK-35898Resolved issue: SAK-35898SAMIGO TEAM
- 'Reset Selection' doesn't exist on Matrix of Choices questionsSAK-35706Resolved issue: SAK-35706Ramon Garcia Martinez
- Issue while importing questions, which have the same question text, from a question pool to an assessmentSAK-35692Resolved issue: SAK-35692Ramon Garcia Martinez
- Printed assessment in PDF format doesn't keep the font size formatSAK-35561Resolved issue: SAK-35561Juanjo Meroño
- Wrong Spanish translationSAK-35549Resolved issue: SAK-35549Miguel Pellicer
- If the instructor modifies a Survey MOC question's text of a published assessment, the question's text doesn't changeSAK-35494Resolved issue: SAK-35494Raúl Sánchez Vegas
- Samigo returns to the Question pool list page after performing any action (copy, add, move...) instead of returning to the previous pageSAK-35433Resolved issue: SAK-35433Ramon Garcia Martinez
- Issue in questions score page: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000SAK-35411Resolved issue: SAK-35411Ramon Garcia Martinez
- The 'editassessment.own' permission is not working the way is supposed to workSAK-35398Resolved issue: SAK-35398Juanjo Meroño
- Samigo Security Fields: Secondary ID and Password fields are not validated.SAK-35392Resolved issue: SAK-35392SAMIGO TEAM
- There is a problem removing one answer from a FIB question and regrading the assessmentSAK-35304Resolved issue: SAK-35304Steve Swinsburg
- Update site ids in published question pool questionsSAK-35294Resolved issue: SAK-35294SAMIGO TEAM
- MOC Questions: The character counter shows 200 regardless of the Comment Field has characters.SAK-35279Resolved issue: SAK-35279Juan Arcadio Martinez Carceles
- Strange code in the "What's this" pop up for multiple choiceSAK-35042Resolved issue: SAK-35042Raúl Sánchez Vegas
- The survey matrix answers are not sorted by row when the instructor exports the student's results to ExcelSAK-34967Resolved issue: SAK-34967SAMIGO TEAM
- Assessments list: "Last Modified" header not sortingSAK-34893Resolved issue: SAK-34893Juanjo Meroño
- Create a new samigo property to use 24 hours or 12 hours time in Samigo.SAK-34876Resolved issue: SAK-34876SAMIGO TEAM
- Preview question poolsSAK-34862Resolved issue: SAK-34862Angel Nueda Lozano
- Add a new column to display username and date in different columnsSAK-34831Resolved issue: SAK-34831Ramon Garcia Martinez
- Add the link "Show/Hide All Rich-Text Editors" in Multiple Choice questionsSAK-34823Resolved issue: SAK-34823Neal Caidin
- Add other kinds of input the questions' point value and the questions' negative point value.SAK-34721SAMIGO TEAM
- Get curly brackets as text in a Fill in the BlankSAK-34477Resolved issue: SAK-34477Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Timed Assessment auto-submitted earlier than allowed timeSAK-34277Resolved issue: SAK-34277SAMIGO TEAM
- T&Q / Images uploaded via the FCKeditor for an exam that is not yet released to students are visible to students from the site's resources toolSAK-34167Core Team
- Add paging capability to entity providersSAK-28900Resolved issue: SAK-28900Adrian Fish
- Reports > What > Limit to Resources > Open folder does not workSAK-28543Resolved issue: SAK-28543Juanjo Meroño
- Need to increase db column SST_RESOURCES.RESOURCE_REF sizeSAK-28515Resolved issue: SAK-28515Core Team
- JavaScript errors in ForumsSAK-28161Resolved issue: SAK-28161Lorena
- Bug when a student grades other student in peer assessment in spanish languageSAK-28111Resolved issue: SAK-28111Juanjo Meroño
- Javascript error when click "Cancel" button in "Move Thread" linkSAK-28110Resolved issue: SAK-28110Lorena
- "Are submissions for a group?" is unchecked when a alert comes upSAK-28096Resolved issue:
- The new link 'Move Thread(s)' should only appear to those users that have the right permissions.SAK-28070Resolved issue: SAK-28070Lorena
- Close Image and Tooltip in 'Move Thread(s)'SAK-28068Resolved issue: SAK-28068Metal Ring
- Forum error in 'Move Threads' when topic is not selectedSAK-28064Resolved issue: SAK-28064Lorena
- Assignments: SpanishTranslation errors in the assignments toolSAK-28063Core Team
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After was applied, environments with CM implementations has performance issues. The communication with CM implementation made refreshAuthzGroup method critical in terms of performance and it should not be called in background.
Create a new property to disable the call could be a good solution to this.