Samigo returns to the Question pool list page after performing any action (copy, add, move...) instead of returning to the previous page
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Ramon Garcia Martinez December 12, 2014 at 3:18 AM
Verified on trunk that the pages from question pool section returns to the previous page after performing any action (copy, add, move...) instead of returning to the list question pools page.
Built: 12/12/14 04:00 - Sakai Revision: 316005 (Kernel 11-SNAPSHOT)

Hudson CI Server December 3, 2014 at 9:04 AM
SUCCESS: Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #547 (See
Samigo returns to the Question pool list page after performing any action (copy, add, move...) instead of returning to the previous page ( rev 315861)

Juanjo Meroño December 3, 2014 at 5:39 AM
Thanks for the patch Ramon.
Committed revision 315861.

Ramon Garcia Martinez December 2, 2014 at 5:56 AM
Thank you Jim for your comment, we'll make a new jira with your proposal.

Jim Mezzanotte November 30, 2014 at 3:01 PM
This seems like a useful navigation change--you always return to the question pool where the action originated. From there, you can also navigate quickly to other pools via the breadcrumb. The current behavior seems especially problematic if you're editing name/info for a pool, since you will probably want to review your change after saving.
For copying/moving either pools or questions in pools, I wonder if an even better solution is a popup window for selecting the destination pool, so you don't have to navigate away from the pool where you're copying/moving.


1. Create some question pools with some sub pools.
2. Go to the 3rd level question pool.
3. Select 2 questions and click Copy button.
4. Select any question pool to paste the selected questions from the last step and click Copy button to paste them.
5. Samigo doesn't go back to the previous page (step 3). Samigo reloads the Question pool list.
That's a bit tricky because the Instructor needs to browse question pool tree every time he copies/moves any question.
I've attached a mock up image to clarify this.
Same behaviour when the instructor copies/moves any question pool.
Same behaviour when the instructor changes the Pool Name/Department/Description... from a question pool.