- Integrate CKEditor's AI Assistant into the Rich Text Editor in SakaiSAK-51046Core Team
- Lessons Conditions - View items based on grades/requirementsSAK-50981Core Team
- SAK-50945 Assignment cc+archive should not export group dataSAK-50945Resolved issue: SAK-50945Charles R Severance
- Self-report assignment and Gradebook error in server logsSAK-50923Resolved issue: SAK-50923Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Gradebook: rubrics view for group submission does not display graded rubricSAK-50922Resolved issue: SAK-50922Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Assignments > Self-report with students must complete all self-report criterions to complete the submission is allowing students to submit incomplete rubricSAK-50875Resolved issue: SAK-50875Manu Fuster
- Assignments-LTI: cc+ imported assignments cannot be edited if they contain an LTI toolSAK-50820Resolved issue: SAK-50820Charles R Severance
- Tests & Quizzes: Add Permissions tabSAK-50667Core Team
- Profile: Disabling add as a connection causes other issuesSAK-50566Resolved issue: SAK-50566
- Assignments: Enable search box in the assignments listSAK-50477Resolved issue: SAK-50477Manu Fuster
- LTI-Assignments: LTI Tool Ignores the "Always launch in Popup" settingSAK-50297Resolved issue: SAK-50297Charles R Severance
- LTI: Modify order of items in the form to add an LTI toolSAK-50296Resolved issue: SAK-50296Charles R Severance
- Unable to edit Discussion dates in Date Manager unless there is an existing date to be changedSAK-50237
- Test and quizzes - Random Fixed draw from question pool for testSAK-50225Core Team
- Bulk Membership: Add message that this tool cannot be used for official sitesSAK-50182Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Assignments: Improve submission history with attachments and submission timestampSAK-50176
- Bulk Membership: Text updates for instructionsSAK-50148Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Bulk Membership: Activate rewording for the actions and confirmation pagesSAK-50145Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Bulk Membership: Deactivate users confirmation screen rewording of message displayedSAK-50144Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Bulk Membership: Remove users confirmation screen rewording of message displayedSAK-50143Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Bulk Membership: Modify the results screen to take less clicks to see resultsSAK-50142Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Test and Quizzes: Multiple timers are hard to keep up with on a mobile phoneSAK-50141Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Group submissions disabled when editing an assignmentSAK-50133
- User's Home Dashboard: Display a list of terms and sites within terms to allow users to choose for which sites they would like to see dataSAK-50116
- Dashboard: Inconsistencies with information being displayed in the “Grades” widget area of Instructor viewSAK-49999Adrian Fish
- Tests & Quizzes: Bulk publish needs an option to add due date to calendarSAK-49919Adrian Fish
- Tasks: Discrepancies between instructor and student viewSAK-49913Core Team
- Tests & Quizzes: Allow question to be copied into the current question pool (duplicate question)SAK-49891Core Team
- Assignments > Add Submission History and Submission Timestamps to GraderSAK-49836Resolved issue: SAK-49836Adrian Fish
- Sitestats: Student view needs the UI updatedSAK-49833Resolved issue: SAK-49833kunaljaykam
- Grader: For ungraded assignments, should the grader's button still read "Grade Submission"?SAK-49815
- Assignments: Upload all text for releasing needs to be updatedSAK-49812
- Assignments: Ungraded assignments should show a status of "Submitted", not "Ungraded" on the submissions pageSAK-49803Earle Nietzel
- Assignment: Returned grade css colors need to be adjusted and be consistentSAK-49801
- Gateway page: More buttons on Features page should match other button colorsSAK-49767kunaljaykam
- Roster: Separate user ID from default viewSAK-49670Resolved issue: SAK-49670Sam Ottenhoff
- LTI: Stealthed tools, when added to a site by an admin, should be available in Lessons if checked as a placementSAK-49662Resolved issue: SAK-49662Charles R Severance
- T&Q: Ability to associate an exam with an existing GB itemSAK-49656Resolved issue: SAK-49656Miguel Pellicer
- Make the process of using attachments from another site smootherSAK-49644Core Team
- Attendance > Take Attendance Now > Append Date to Default Attendance Item TitleSAK-49629
- Attendance > Add > Create Repeating PatternSAK-49625
- Announcements: Allow posting an announcement to multiple sitesSAK-49608Core Team
- Roster Card Game: Count not updating for the number of correct guessesSAK-49302Christopher Maurer
- Lessons: Keep description for quizzes and discussions when selecting a different itemSAK-49296Core Team
- Lessons: Change Item should return to the Edit Item modalSAK-49295kunaljaykam
- Conversations: Error message needed if user sets Show date further in the future than the due dateSAK-49247Resolved issue: SAK-49247Adrian Fish
- Assignments: Returned-Pending ResubmissionSAK-49232Resolved issue: SAK-49232Earle Nietzel
- Date Picker: Not adapting date format to other languagesSAK-49229
- Conversations > Question: Allow the instructor to set if a question has been "answered"SAK-49205Adrian Fish
- CKEditor / Rich text editor (Desktop view) - The "streamlined interface" is not streamlined; please add the popular toolsSAK-49196Resolved issue: SAK-49196Kenneth Aragon
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