All HTML rendered by Sakai should validate
Aaron Zeckoski March 27, 2012 at 12:35 PM
CLE team bulk inactive issues cleanup - if this is important then reopen or create a new issue
David Horwitz February 23, 2010 at 6:32 AM
MAINT TEAM REVIEW: This feature request is currently unassigned and will be reviewed. In line with stated Jira practice Feature requests that are not going to be implemented will be closed with a status of "wont fix". If you intend implementing this issue please ensure that its up to date and assigned correctly
Megan May February 11, 2009 at 4:34 PM
Passing the torch onto Pete
Lance Speelmon August 16, 2007 at 1:35 PM
I took this one by mistake. L
Peter Knoop June 18, 2007 at 7:40 AM
Megan, I'm going to assign this to you for consideration as to how it might fit into the Sakai QA process.
Generating HTML which validates correctly has several advantages:
It reduces the possibility of browsers misinterpreting markup
It makes it easier to spot real tool rendering problems
It makes it easier to do downstream transformations of Sakai output
The reference validator proposed here is the HTML Validator plugin for Firefox ( or later) using both the SGML Parser (as used by W3C) and the Tidy validator. Once most Sakai output validates, we should be able to implement automatic validation during QA processes, or even optionally in Sakai itself (for example a 'validation check' option in the portal which would log WARN or ERROR messages for invalid output).
This is an umbrella JIRA to track outstanding validation issues from Sakai core & provisional tools.