T&Q: creating a quiz with questions from the question pool displays tag errors in console, warning in server logs: o.s.w.s.PageNotFound.noHandlerFound
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Andrea Schmidt March 7, 2025 at 12:19 AM
I tested on https://trunk-mysql8.nightly.sakaiproject.org/ and https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/.
I don’t see the issue on mysql8 but it is on maria.
Manu Fuster March 6, 2025 at 12:12 PM
Hi , I haven't been able to reproduce the error you mentioned. Tests were done on https://trunk-mysql8.nightly.sakaiproject.org/.
Attached is the video SAK-51085.mp4.

Andrea Schmidt March 4, 2025 at 2:50 PM
Hi . I’m attaching a video. I’m on Win11, and the video shows Firefox and Chrome.
And yes, the first error is different, but both errors displayed point to tags.

Bernardo Garcia Vila March 4, 2025 at 8:56 AM
Hi I couldn’t reproduce this one, tried with different roles. The ony thing I see from the description is that is a different error than the linked Jira, which was a 403 (same as if you try accessing that url right now with no session) and this is a 404. The other one was related to permissions while for this one is like the endpoint couldn’t be found, but I can’t tell what could cause it… Any clue? Thanks
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This is related to
Creating a quiz and adding questions from the question pool displays the following console errors after the question pool’s page loads:
There is also a warning in the server logs: