S2U-36 - Announcements: Ability to assign announcements to roles
is depended on by

Mark Golbeck April 4, 2024 at 12:04 AM
I tested on 23.x mysql8: https://qa23-mysql8.nightly.sakaiproject.org/portal , build info: a2c96ff3
Works as expected from the test plan.
Earle Nietzel April 2, 2024 at 3:10 PM
I moved this issue to the SAK project as it was merged to 23.x

Miguel Pellicer July 3, 2023 at 9:01 AM
Gracias por el testing !

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez July 3, 2023 at 8:16 AM
Acabo de comprobar la corrección que se ha hecho del ticket (opción A). Y por mi parte perfecto así.

Miguel Pellicer July 3, 2023 at 7:48 AM
Yo creo que también puede generar tickets de soporte porque los usuarios la ven desactivada y sin embargo quieren enviarlo a esos roles, no sé, vamos a pilotarla y no habría problema en escuchar sugerencias y valorar mejoras, yo prefiero ocultar los destinatarios para hacer el listado más corto.
Created December 21, 2022 at 11:52 AM
Updated December 3, 2024 at 10:16 AM
Resolved April 13, 2023 at 3:58 PM
Original description:
La herramienta Anuncios del LMS Sakai permite publicar anuncios en un sitio, visibles para los usuarios de ese sitio según ciertos controles de acceso que permiten restringir el anuncio a los usuarios del sitio o hacerlo público a todos los usuarios del LMS. El desarrollo añadirá una tercera opción de configuración de acceso al publicar un anuncio que permitirá restringir su visibilidad a los distintos roles existentes dentro del sitio.
English description:
The announcements tool allows to release an announcement to a site, visible for all the site users, it can also be public and it can also be assigned to a groups. This feature will add a fourth option to release the announcement to a role, so only members with that role will access the announcement.
Test plan:
Create a site.
Create some groups.
Add some members as Student, Instructor and TAs.
As instructor, add an announcement, it should list the ‘display to roles’ option.
Create an announcement assigned to students.
Create an announcement assigned to instructors.
Create an announcement assigned to TA.
As a different instructor, you should only see B.
As student, you should see only A.
As TA, you should see only C.
As admin, you should see everything.
As the owner, the original instructor, you should see A, B and C.