Assignments: Extension submit btn is disabled if instructor used 'Save' as opposed to 'Save and Release to Student'
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Andrea Schmidt June 2, 2024 at 4:13 PM
Verified on 22x:, build: 2490a75c that the student with a submission and resubmission allowed does see resubmission allowed.
For the student without a submission, the instructor was able to give an extension just using “Save”, and the student sees the assignment as not submitted yet, and is able to submit.
However, neither student sees the assignment as “Late” and it is not indicated in the instructor’s view either. Will check into the missing “Late” label to see if it was intentionally removed or if this is a bug and file a separate Jira in that case.

Wasi Khan April 8, 2024 at 5:17 AM
Verified on 23x (a267afa5) FF/Win10. Form element to set extenstion deadline was visible prior to pressing ‘save and release’ so when deadline was extended only ‘save’ worked and after submitting the student who got extension does not show resubmitted and the student who submitted a second time shows resubmission.
Refer to attachment for visuals.

Myles Carey March 26, 2024 at 6:50 PM
- Thank you. I have re-tested for the NPE could not reproduce. I have also tested the original test plan focused on Allow Extension (and ‘Save' only) which now works. Testing of 'Accept Resubmission’ also still works.
Server Information
Sakai Version: 25-SNAPSHOT
Server Time: Mar 26, 2024 2:50:17 PM EDT
Your Preferred Time: Mar 26, 2024 11:50:17 AM PDT
Server: ip-172-31-7-189
Build Info: bcad32b1
Earle Nietzel March 25, 2024 at 10:48 PMEdited
and I’ve already fixed and it is master, it was a small issue where the state variable was null.

Sean Horner March 25, 2024 at 8:05 PM
Because the NPE is affecting other use cases with Assignments (including other issues I’m investigating), I’m going to post it as a separate Jira and link it back here.
Affects versions
Fix versions
23 Status
22 Status

allows for an Assignment extension. Its description and test plan call for the instructor to be able to enter the extension date/time in the grader and then select ‘Save’. However using only ‘Save’ results in a disabled submit button when the user tries to submit under the extension (see attached image) -
As seen in nightly 23 when I executed that test plan, the student cannot submit the extended assignment because the Submit button is disabled. i.e. the test plan for fails.
This may already be pointed in the SAK-46968 as the its test plan copied here shows red text in step 6 stating
“currently this does not work, the instructor has to save & release for the extension to become available to the student”
Should that SAK be re-opened as it should be considered a bug that a “return” is needed to open the extension yet the student had not submitted. The student’s view shows ‘Returned’ in the status when opening the assignment. This could be confusing to the student.
Providing the ability for an extension without first needing to “return” could be used to grant an extension as an accommodation similar to the Exception option in Tests & Quizzes. Furthermore, the student would be able to see, when opening the assignment, the extension deadline as soon as it was granted be that before or after the assignment’s normal due date.