Conversations: Hide setting is removed when the Show date/time passes


If the instructor creates a dated topic by selecting Availability > Specify dates and selects all 3 (Show, Lock, Hide), the Show date/time and Hide date/time seem to disappear once the Show date/time has passed. The Lock date/time is kept.

From the server logs:

23-Aug-2023 19:05:00.134 ERROR [QuartzScheduler_Worker-2] o.s.c.a.s.j.ScheduledInvocationJob.execute Failed to execute component: [org.sakaiproject.conversations.impl.TopicShowDateMessager]: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at [scheduler-component-shared-23-SNAPSHOT.jar:23-SNAPSHOT] at [quartz-2.3.2.jar:?] at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$ [quartz-2.3.2.jar:?]


  • 23 Aug 2023, 11:33 PM



Andrea Schmidt September 19, 2023 at 9:19 PM

Thanks I just figured teachers would have “special” powers. I think there are more pressing issues, so I’ll skip creating a feature request now since, as you stated, instructors can easily work around it.

Wilma Hodges September 19, 2023 at 3:44 PM

I don’t have a problem adding this as a feature request, but I’m not sure how common it would be for an instructor to post something after the lock date. Usually a topic is locked in order to prevent all users from posting to it, but I could see where an instructor might want to post a closing message upon locking. However, since the instructor can easily unlock it to post, there is fairly simple workaround.

Andrea Schmidt September 7, 2023 at 11:36 PM

Adding QA notes:

Tested deviations and I think a feature request is needed to allow the instructor to post/reply after the lock date, especially if there is no hide date. do you have any thoughts on this?
Messages displayed:

  • After lock, but before hide:
    This topic is locked and no changes can be made. Click 'Unlock' in the options menu to unlock it.

  • Instructor - after hide date:
    This topic is hidden from students. Click 'Show' in the options menu to show it.

Thomas Kelsey September 1, 2023 at 4:32 PM

Verified on 23.x, , build:cebc0529

Expected behavior was present

Thomas Kelsey August 30, 2023 at 9:47 PM

Verified in 24.x, , build: 23869c69

Expected behavior, as noted in test plan, was present.




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23 Status

QA Verification Pass

22 Status

Please Merge





nightly servers
Created August 23, 2023 at 11:33 PM
Updated September 19, 2023 at 9:19 PM
Resolved August 29, 2023 at 3:07 PM

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