Update Apache Tomcat 9.0.69


Tomcat 9.0.69 (remm)


  • 66029: Add a configuration option to allow bloom filters used to index JAR files to be retained for the lifetime of the web application. Prior to this addition, the indexes were always flushed by the periodic calls to WebResourceRoot.gc(). As part of this addition, configuration of archive indexing moves from Context to WebResourceRoot. Based on a patch provided by Rahul Jaisimha. (markt)

  • 66330: Correct a regression introduced when fixing 62897 that meant any value configured for skipMemoryLeakChecksOnJvmShutdown on the Context was ignored and the default was always used. (markt)

  • 66331: Fix a regression in refactoring for Stack on the SystemLogHandler which caught incorrect exception. (lihan)

  • 66338: Fix a regression that caused a nuance in refactoring for ErrorReportValve. (lihan)

  • Escape values used to construct output for the JsonErrorReportValve to ensure that it always outputs valid JSON. (markt)


  • Correct the date format used with the expires attribute of HTTP cookies. A single space rather than a single dash should be used to separate the day, month and year components to be compliant with RFC 6265. (markt)

  • Include the name of the current stream state in the error message when a stream is cancelled due to an attempt to write to the stream when it is in a state that does not permit writes. (markt)

  • NIO writes never return -1 so refactor CLOSED_NIO_CHANNEL not to do so and remove checks for this return value. Based on #562 by tianshuang. (markt)

  • Remove unnecessary code that exposed the asyncTimeout to components that never used it. (markt)


  • 66294: Make the use of a privileged block to obtain the thread context class loader added to address 62080 optional and disabled by default. This is now controlled by the org.apache.el.GET_CLASSLOADER_USE_PRIVILEGED system property. (markt)

  • 66325: Fix concurrency issue in evaluation of expression language containing lambda expressions. (markt)


  • Update to Commons Daemon 1.3.2. (markt)

  • Improvements to Chinese translations. Contributed by DigitalCat and lihan. (markt)

  • Improvements to French translations. Contributed by Mathieu Bouchard. (markt)

  • Improvements to Japanese translations. Contributed by Shirayuking. (markt)





Automation for Jira November 15, 2022 at 1:00 PM

A pull request has been created, "SAK-48063 Update Apache Tomcat 9.0.69", you can see it at https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai/pull/11000




Affects versions

23 Status





Created November 15, 2022 at 12:55 PM
Updated July 26, 2024 at 3:17 AM
Resolved November 15, 2022 at 1:39 PM