Gradebook: ‘unsaved changes’ banner appears when attempting to save single change

Myles Carey July 26, 2022 at 4:47 PMEdited
Christina, I just re-tested and am not seeing the change being saved (screencast shows the same thing). Note that the steps I took are:
. . .
4. backspace in a cell
5. replace the digit
6. click ‘Save Changes’
7. here I didn’t click ‘Save Changes’ a second time, but instead navigated away from the Gradebook and then came back to ensure that the issue persists in that the original cell value is present instead of the change entered in step 5
I have updated the test plan to reflect this detail
Christina Schwiebert July 25, 2022 at 6:49 PM
I tested on 23.0 (Trunk), and while the error about unsaved changes appeared, it looks like the change did save.
Within the Gradebook’s Grading Scheme, attempting to save after making a single change without changing focus to another cell fails. The warning banner ‘There are unsaved changes’ appears above the ‘Save Changes’ button and the change is not posted to the database.
See the attached screencast.