Site Info tool removed from Home upon edit
is related to

Matthew Jones January 1, 2022 at 5:24 PMEdited
Yeah, I don’t ever remember this tool being included in Home so it would have had have been added locally.
You can still get to some of the same “Site Info” functionality in home with Worksite Setup. Click on the Home Site → Edit Selected. I don’t really think the full functions of Site Info are applicable to Home and this is the first I’ve heard of someone adding it to their local template.
This is probably why the linked was never fixed or investigated further.

Austin December 30, 2021 at 9:21 PM
I think this happens because the Manage Tools page does not include the Site Info tool, so when you edit tools then save, it detects that site info is not in the Manage tools list, so it assumes you want to delete it.
going back to Sakai 2.9.3, I don't think the Home -> Manage Tools ever included Site Info, nor did the default vanilla !user template. But at some point in the past we added that tool to our !user template (maybe because manage tools didn't include it?)
I figured out a way to get the Site Info tool to appear in Home -> Manage Tools (by adding it to sakai.siteinfo.xml). But... considering that it's never been there nor in the !user template, does it make sense to add it? Or should we just remove the tool from our !user template?

Austin November 16, 2021 at 6:25 PMEdited
In attachment [^SAK-46552.png], the manage tools confirmation page says that (Site Info) will be removed even though the user didn’t uncheck Site Info… Actually, the user cannot uncheck Site Info because it doesn’t appear in the list of tools [^SAK-46562-manage.png]

Brian J. November 16, 2021 at 6:20 PM

Austin November 16, 2021 at 6:19 PMEdited
I’ve tested on 19, 20, 22, 23 so far
Site Info tool removed from Home upon edit