Assignments > Rubrics > Issues related to changes and being in Draft/Evaluation mode

Adrian Fish May 23, 2022 at 11:01 AM
and :)

Adrian Fish May 23, 2022 at 10:58 AM
Also incorporated by SAK-45987

Adrian Fish May 23, 2022 at 10:56 AM
Incorporated by SAK-46178,
Created October 15, 2021 at 7:14 PM
Updated June 28, 2022 at 10:50 PM
Resolved May 23, 2022 at 10:56 AM
There are a number of angles to this issue, so please see below.
Instructors may have a number of reasons to review scores/comments in an already graded rubric. For example, instructors may wish to revisit/review their criterion comments. In doing so, instructors must click a corresponding bubble to review the comment.
However, simply clicking one of the comment bubbles will result in the Rubric going into a "Draft/Evaluation" mode. At this moment (and very likely unbeknownst to the instructor) the previously graded rubric scores and comments will be retracted from the student's view. If the instructor does not scroll down and click "Save and Release," then the student will continue to be unable to review the scores/comments that he/she may have been able to see earlier.
So, there are several problems here:
Simply clicking a bubble icon and not making any changes whatsoever to comments/scores should not require the instructor to "Save and Release" once again. This is not intuitive. Even if the instructor scrolls down and clicks "Cancel Changes," then unfortunately that button does affect the rubric “draft/evaluation” mode.
Even if an instructor decides to update previously entered comments, then this should not cause the previously entered scores and comments to disappear from the student. The student should be able to continue to read the original version, and only see changes once the instructor has saved the changes and re-released the updated scores/comments.
What if, when reviewing previously entered scores/comments, an instructor accidentally makes a mistake and unknowingly clicks a new score for a given criterion? This will put the Rubric back in "Draft/Evaluation" mode, retracting the previously inputted scores/comments from the student, and there's no log or confirmation screen asking the instructor to confirm these changes.
I propose:
A cancel button that will actually cancel any unintended changes to previously entered rubric scores/comments.
Students should be able to continue seeing the original rubric version, even if an instructor is in the process of making changes.
An alert/warning confirming which changes the instructor made and prompting the instructor to confirm the changes.
Interacting with a rubric (i.e. clicking the comment bubbles), but not making any changes, should not put the rubric in draft/evaluation mode.