Samigo export file does not contain some metadata and editing published test does not add metadata back in

Austin October 14, 2021 at 2:07 AMEdited
adding a MCMS_PARTIAL_CREDIT fieldlabel to mcMCTemplate.xml seemed to work. However, that’s just one label, there are many more that are missing, plus there are more than a dozen template .xml files and I would think they could all be missing some labels. It looks like there’s a master list of all the labels/itemtypes in, but it’s not clear if all of the test types should get all of them or if each type only has a subset. (you would think subset because you’d think that MCMS_PARTIAL_CREDIT only belongs to the multiple choice types)

Austin October 14, 2021 at 12:56 AMEdited
I debugged this down to
and the line
nodes = xpath.selectNodes(doc);
seems like it’s not returning the node. I suspect it’s because the doc doesn’t contain it. And in in this example, Multiple Choice Multiple Correct, perhaps the file MCMCTemplate.xml is missing some meta fields? However, If that is the case, I’m not exactly sure which fields it’s missing.
Affects versions


Samigo export file does not contain some metadata and editing published test from the import file does not add metadata back in
I've seen this on Sakai 19 and 20, but sorry, I have not had a chance to test it on 21+
Here's an example of a published item that has more properties
here's an example of one after import that is missing most of the one above, plus some other one not above