Assignments: When changing the grading type of an assignment after grading, grades are incorrect

Wasi Khan September 23, 2024 at 3:25 AM
Still failing on 22:
Step 5 fails (rubric icon is still visible), created a new jira and linked it to this one:
Step 11 fails since rubric is displayed filled on the instructor's end and feedback is still displayed as well (video attached)
Step 16: Got the alert "Alert: If you choose to exit without clicking any of
the assignment submission navigation action buttons at the top or bottom
of this page, you will lose your work. Please choose one of these
buttons or navigate to your chosen page and abandon your work on this
" - but I assume that is the correct behaviour and maybe test plan shoudl be revised?

Andrea Schmidt October 28, 2023 at 4:23 PMEdited
Still failing on 22x:, build: 0b849168
After step 5, when checking the box to grade the assignment again, when the div expands for the grading options, the rubric is still selected, even though everything else set previously has been reset.
After step 11, rubric icons are still present. The submission grading is unreleased, comments and attachment are still there, but the graded rubric is still attached also.

Andrea Schmidt October 8, 2022 at 11:45 PM
it looks like you tested on
Retested on 22x:, build: 80373c9f and it fails on step 5

heather.valli October 7, 2022 at 2:31 PM
This failed for me at step 5. There was a rubrics icon next to the assignment in the list. I went back into the assignment and confirmed that the grading checkbox was unchecked. I’m testing here:

Andrea Schmidt August 12, 2022 at 12:25 AM
Tested on 21x:, build: 754f2238
I was able to add an attachment without being prompted about wiping grades, the message only displayed after I clicked post.
I have a video of the first part of the test plan, and I apologize but lost the audio between making submissions as a student and resuming the video again. I tested the other grade types (without video) and it seems to be working as expected.
This is a bit of an edge case, but we did encounter it at our institution.
When changing a graded (points) assignment to instead be {}ungraded{}, the previously entered point values will be multiplied by 100 on the "Scores" page.