Samigo: Feature request: Show students feedback for ONLY the questions they answered incorrectly.


We've received an increasing number of requests from instructors to show students feedback on just the questions those students answered incorrectly. In some cases, they want to show question-level feedback, others want to show an answer key, but the main idea is that they don't want to reveal all the questions and answer options to students as part of the feedback.

Per the Assessment settings label suggestions doc, the proposed option would require a new section on the Settings page that would appear after selecting "Display questions and additional feedback (options expand when selected)."

Which questions should be displayed as feedback?

  • All questions.

  • Only questions the student answered incorrectly.
    Note: Short answer/essay, student audio response, and file upload questions do not have "correctness" and always display if questions are shown.

A message for students would also need to be displayed at the top of the Feedback page when only incorrectly-answered questions are shown, e.g.:

The questions displayed below are ones you answered incorrectly and [question types listed for manually-graded questions that were included in assessment].

Example with question types included:

The questions displayed below are ones you answered incorrectly and short answer/essay and file upload questions.


  • How would this feedback display during an assessment if instructor enabled Immediate Feedback? If a student clicks the Feedback link on a question they answered correctly, does it just disappear from view with a message saying it was correct??





Affects versions




Created December 18, 2020 at 8:34 AM
Updated February 3, 2021 at 9:43 AM