Change "Immediate Feedback" to "Feedback During the Assessment"
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Steve Waldeck January 27, 2022 at 4:15 AM
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New option says, "Yes, show the student feedback while they are taking the assessment. They can change their answers accordingly.
Christina Schwiebert October 4, 2021 at 7:44 PM
I think the wording change to make it clear to instructors that this is not immediately on submitting the test but during the test was the extent of this request. Closing as incorporated.
Tiffany Stull October 4, 2021 at 7:19 PM
The text change to "Yes, show the student feedback while they are taking the assessment. They can change their answers accordingly." was done in SAK-34674. Can this jira be closed as incorporated by that, or is some additional text change desired to include mention that it will continue to display after the assessment is submitted?
Valerio Cerni Conde April 16, 2021 at 7:17 AM
Another detail to keep in mind is that when "Immediate feedback" is selected, feedback *it is also shown after* the assessment is submitted, not only during it.
Sometimes instructors do not want them to see the feedback after the assessment, only during it and they are suprised by this behavior.
It would be nice to clarify this in the documentation page
Tiffany Stull November 30, 2020 at 2:46 PM
The feedback settings changes also include restructuring the section with new headings in the form of questions.
The feedback option in Tests & Quizzes (Samigo) currently called "Immediate Feedback" is often confusing to professors. After the fact, they often report that they thought it meant immediately after the exam, not during an active exam.
Please consider changing the selection option from "Immediate Feedback" to "Feedback During the Assessment" (or an equivalent option).
The intent is to clarify for instructors that feedback is available to students while they are actively taking the quiz or test.
At our institution, we have tried to tackle this issue by adding a red triangle warning icon with the pop-up description of "CAUTION: Immediate Feedback refers to providing answers to students in real-time during the assessment. Typically, immediate feedback is used only when administering practice assessments, where the intention is to help students become comfortable with the online assessment experience. Do not select this option for normal assessments." However, we still find that some professors don't read the warning and select this option by mistake on high-stakes exams.
We hope that a different label can reduce confusion and make the interface more intuitive for professors.
Thank you for considering this feature request.