Error when try adding a student on a blocked section/group
is related to

Andrea Schmidt February 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM
This fails on all 3 servers:
22x:, build: 01eead35
21x:, build: 6d202095
20x:, build: 1d24e451
Since this Jira was already merged and someone verified 20x, I created

Valerio Cerni Conde October 28, 2020 at 6:02 AM
Tested in 22.x, now UI don´t shows error.
catalina.out exception is thrown
28-Oct-2020 06:58:15.546 WARN [http-nio-20013-exec-10] org.sakaiproject.component.section.sakai.SectionManagerImpl.addStudentToSection GROUP LOCK REGRESSION: Can't add member 8b17f362-02b9-4448-9204-69395864cc0b with role access to a locked group org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzRealmLockException: Can't add member 8b17f362-02b9-4448-9204-69395864cc0b with role access to a locked group

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez October 23, 2020 at 6:09 AM
Assign links shouldn't appear is the section is blocked
See testing plan and attached image
Different behaviours on each Sakai. Worst behaviour on 20.x
Error on log
Ideal behaviour should be like 12.x or 19.x
Can't be tested on 21.x because there isn't any category on Section Info tool