Samigo - two different published assessments have identical Published Assessment URLs
is related to

Austin February 5, 2022 at 12:29 AMEdited processAction(ActionEvent)
assessmentSettings will have the correct assessmentID, but the wrong alias. Instead it will show the alias for the quiz in the 2nd tab.
can we lookup the alias and check if any existing alias' assignmentID (i.e. the 2nd tab's id) matches with the submitted assessmentId?
but are there other settings that are mismatched? do we check them all?
then in setPublishedSettings(...), the bad alias is saved to the assessment
again, is any other meta data being set to the wrong assessment's metadata?
but it would be best if the context didn't have the wrong / mis-matched metadata to begin with. or... further up the chain, could it detect that multiple tabas are open and not even continue saving?

Austin January 26, 2022 at 12:00 AMEdited
I found a way to reproduce this (without manually editing the database) and it involves editing two samigo tests simultaneously with two browser tabs open
see the test plan above
Also after causing the duplicate aliases, if you visit the published url, that will cause a null pointer exeption (see also SAK-45764 , which i closed as a duplicate of this)

Austin August 12, 2021 at 9:09 PM
another possible bug as result of having duplicate ALIASes is that the ckediltor's link feature which pops up elfinder, which elfinder then will not display the duplicate alias url

Austin September 23, 2020 at 3:46 PMEdited
this sounds like or is a duplicate of SAK-43742, but does the fix in that issue
merely prevent the bad link from lessons? Does it prevent the duplicate ALIAS from getting in there in the first place?
Samigo - two different published assessments have identical Published Assessment URLs
We don't know how this happened but we found it because an instructor created a Lesson page link to a Samigo T&Q quiz, but when users clicked on the link it was sending them to the wrong quiz.
We found that the Published Assessment URLs for each assessment were both set to e.g.
and checking the database, the urls are generated from the metadata "alias"