Improve user facing content cleaned message


The current wording of the message shown to users when offending content has been stripped by AntiSamy could be slightly confusing to users:

Your HTML contains tags or attributes that are not permitted and have been removed from your content.

The linked PR proposes updating this text to the following, to reassure users that their valuable content should remain in tact:

Your HTML contains tags or attributes that are not permitted and have been removed. This change may affect some formatting, but should not affect actual content.





Andrea Schmidt May 16, 2019 at 8:01 PM

Andrea Schmidt April 9, 2019 at 6:59 PM

Verified on, build: c7dd6f93

Added <alert> tags

Matthew Jones February 14, 2019 at 7:34 PM

Does anyone think the terms "HTML" "tags" and "attributes" may be confusing to some users as well? I feel like there's two primary cases where users would get this message.

  1. Someone copy and pasted content from some place else (Word, another website, a vendor) and have no idea of what the actual HTML was

  2. Someone with some technical knowledge actually edited the HTML directly adding a script or some other tag. 

I think depending on what was removed it may actually affect actual content. I guess that's why your suggestion says "should not affect"  

These are the typical warnings that it would display if it had the full mode on. (Found this on the web). Antisamy is mostly about filtering markup while attempting to retain content. 

Wilma Hodges February 5, 2019 at 4:46 PM

Sure, I can see that. I'm not particularly attached to the term "unsupported". I was struggling to find a shorter way of saying "tags or attributes that are not permitted" and "non-permitted HTML has been removed" sounded funny. Maybe the longer but less loaded "Your HTML contains tags or attributes that are not permitted" is better after all. My main concern was addressing Sam's observation that "Its removal" and "actual content" are both a bit vague. If we aren't too worried about brevity, maybe the following would work?

Your HTML contains formatting tags or attributes that are not permitted and have been removed. This change should not affect content.

Brian J. February 5, 2019 at 10:40 AM

I'm not sure about the word "unsupported". I feel as though it gives the impression that Sakai is at fault, or can't handle certain otherwise valid content, rather than being explicit about saying there was content that was not permitted; but that's just my personal opinion. I'll run the suggestions by some other folks and see what their opinions are as well. Thanks!




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Created January 29, 2019 at 5:19 PM
Updated April 5, 2023 at 10:19 AM
Resolved February 26, 2019 at 9:36 AM