samigo: If user time zone differs from server time zone, available/due/late dates set incorrectly on edit > save
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Andrea Schmidt January 19, 2020 at 1:47 PM
Verified on 19x:, build: 521fbb94 following test plan
Andrea Schmidt December 7, 2019 at 9:16 AM
Verified on 20x:, build: 867ff688 using the test plan
Andrea Schmidt November 26, 2019 at 8:22 PM
Created for the problem noted.
Austin November 26, 2019 at 7:05 PMEdited
I retested on:
But I'm still seeing the incorrect time when using the settings I mentioned in my previous comment where the user's OS time and preference are different
I'm not sure if that would be related to this issue or SAK-42812, but I'll add a comment to as well. Or should open a new JIRA?
Here's the procedure I used:
Log in as instructor, go to Home > Preferences > Time Zone and set your time zone to be the same as the server time: US/Eastern
Set your local computer's operating system's time to something other than US/Eastern (I used US/Hawaii)
Create a site with Tests & Quizzes.
Create a quiz with at least one question.
Edit Settings on the quiz and set the start date, due date, late submissions, etc. then Save.
The time on the assignments list page does not reflect what was entered on the edit page
Edit the quiz again.
The time in the input fields have changed.
don't modify anything, but re-save
The time on the assignments list page changes again
Edit the quiz again
The time in the input fields have changed again.
I think this is a common scenario where normally, all three timezones: server, preferences, OS are the same so normally the times are fine, but then the instructor might travel to another timezone and his or her OS timezone automatically changes. Then they attempt to edit a Quiz and without even touching the dates, the dates end up changing.
Andrea Schmidt November 23, 2019 at 2:52 PMEdited
Verified on 21x:, build: 80a7128e that if the instructor is in a different time zone, saving the quiz multiple times (as in Tiffany's video) does not change the time zone. I will set this to verified since the times do not change on edit/save.
There is another issue, (thanks for the videos ), if the user's timezone in Sakai and the computer match, (I used 2 different computers to make sure that the student was in eastern time for Sakai and the computer and the instructor was on mountain time for Sakai and the computer), the instructor is seeing the correct time when creating the quiz, but when publishing, it shows the server time. Created
When an instructor has their time zone set differently from server time, and they edit quiz settings, Samigo converts the available, due, and late submission date/time to match the user time zone. However, on save, it sets that time as if it were in the server time zone, resulting in an incorrect date settings.
Here's a video demonstrating an instructor with user time zone set to CST on the nightly server which is in EST attempting to save changes to a quiz due date and getting a new due date, an hour earlier, every time they save:
This is a serious problem for study abroad instructors (or any distance instructor) attempting to set dates for quizzes.