Drop box: Give Maintain users permission to change Access users' Drop Box folder titles
One of our instructors has a strong use case for making changes to the titles of student folders within the Drop Box tool, yet we've recently discovered that only admin users (and not Maintain users) are able to do this.
We brought this issue to Longsight for investigation and Matt Jones discovered some logic and commenting (below) that helped to inform us of why Maintain users were being obstructed.
Drop Box folders for Access users are created on demand as these users enter a course site. Manually changing the titles of folders via Edit Details does not change the permissions of individual folders, though all the human users involved would then lose the benefit of the titles being lined up with the name of the user for whom they were created.
Though the above is the case, we assume that the few instructors that wish to manually change titles of Drop Box folders have a convention in mind and will maintain the points of reference needed to continue to connect a folder with a changed title to the appropriate user.
Should instructors/Maintain users be able to change the titles of Drop Box folders, or is this practice too risky?
yes, this logic is still in place for versions of Drop Box in https://qa23-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/. For perspective, we didn’t receive additional requests from instructors for this flexibility beyond the two instructor which prompted this item.
Mark Golbeck September 23, 2024 at 7:37 PM
is this still a problem in current versions of Sakai?
One of our instructors has a strong use case for making changes to the titles of student folders within the Drop Box tool, yet we've recently discovered that only admin users (and not Maintain users) are able to do this.
We brought this issue to Longsight for investigation and Matt Jones discovered some logic and commenting (below) that helped to inform us of why Maintain users were being obstructed.
Drop Box folders for Access users are created on demand as these users enter a course site. Manually changing the titles of folders via Edit Details does not change the permissions of individual folders, though all the human users involved would then lose the benefit of the titles being lined up with the name of the user for whom they were created.
Though the above is the case, we assume that the few instructors that wish to manually change titles of Drop Box folders have a convention in mind and will maintain the points of reference needed to continue to connect a folder with a changed title to the appropriate user.
Should instructors/Maintain users be able to change the titles of Drop Box folders, or is this practice too risky?