Resources > add ability to define custom copyright options


The linked PR introduces the following new features:

  • ability for an institution to define and use an arbitrary number of custom copyright options

    • enabled/disabled via "copyright.useCustom", which defaults to false

    • custom copyright options are defined via /content/content-copyright/impl/src/bundle/org/sakaiproject/content/copyright/

  • ability to force users to explicitly select copyright status for files

    • enabled/disabled via "copyright.requireChoice", which defaults to false

    • works with both default and custom copyright options

    • if set to true, inputs a "Please select a copyright status" entry in the copyright drop down (always first element in the list)

    • client and server side validation to reject saving the resource if the drop down was not set to a value other than the "Please select..."

  • adds the copyright drop down form field to the upload resources form (accessed from both the Resources tool and the Drop Box tool)

    • one drop down, setting applies to all files uploaded

    • previously was only present on the 'Edit Details' form

The linked PR also includes refactoring existing copyright code, removing old and unused copyright, and improved documentation of the current state of valid copyright in

The following have been added:

The following have been removed:

  • default.copyright was made obsolete via KNL-1399 (and re-implemented in the linked PR)

  • default.copyright.alert was some legacy property, not really sure what it once did

  • fairuse.url from was not being used; the functionality of overriding the default value was moved into message bundles (/content/content-tool/tool/src/bundle/ some time ago, so I provided some more documentation there about what it does and how to customize it properly

  • newcopyrightinput was another legacy property not being used; not sure what it once did

    • for all of the above: removed some lingering code in /content/ project that was still referencing these and sticking them in the STATE but never actually using it





DeekshaSudini July 11, 2018 at 10:06 AM

I worked on this JIRA on server : on Browser: Chrome/Firefox and it is working as expected.

*server :*

Browser: Chrome/Firefox




Brian J. July 10, 2018 at 11:53 AM

PR for nightly experimental properties submitted @

Brian J. May 10, 2018 at 11:03 AM

I've submitted a PR which includes refactoring the default copyright choice as I proposed in my above comments.

Brian J. May 8, 2018 at 2:30 PM

That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure.

I'm thinking that with the changes proposed here (putting the copyright form on the upload resources page), the kernel code from could actually be removed, provided that I implement the same functionality in the Resources code.

So basically the from would stay as is (copyright.type.default, with the stipulation that copyright.types must also be set), and if the default is set the system would preselect the desired default in the copyright dropdown form field. This would give the user the benefit of changing the drop down if they wanted, but the default would be preselected for them.

Does that sound appropriate to you guys?

Sam Ottenhoff May 8, 2018 at 2:12 PM

> Was introduced because the copyright field is not present on the upload resources form in the Resources tool? Or was it also meant to address creating/saving files from other tools (like attachments, etc.)?

I believe it was introduced to save time when uploading new files in the Resources tool only. Default to a good option instead of making users select that preferred option every time.

I don't think we ever thought about other tools' attachments....




Affects versions

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Property addition/change required

Created May 2, 2018 at 8:51 AM
Updated September 12, 2018 at 10:51 AM
Resolved July 10, 2018 at 10:25 AM