It appears as if these cases ActiveToolManager.getTool(toolId) returns null. I don't have a custom kernel ready to try any fixes for it. Previously this function just returned m_title. Additionally the related issue(s) should probably be tested further as this seems like a lot of new code specific for special cases in the kernel.
Committed Jones patch after local testing, r64779. Quite an ugly method: it's a rabbit warren of return statements (not Beth nor Matt's doing). Could use a clean up plus this patch should be subjected to additional testing. But it fixes a broken trunk and that is a good which cannot be ignored. Refresh of K1 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts is next.
Matthew Jones July 16, 2009 at 4:25 PM
Since Beth is going to be unavailable to look at this for awhile, and no-one is able to verify a fix, Noah suggest that the 3 commits made in all be reverted so trunk can build again.
Stephen Marquard July 16, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Hi Beth,
As is yours, I think you're probably best placed to review this fix...
Matthew Jones July 15, 2009 at 7:12 PM
This makes the NPE go away and preserves the functionality of the OSP and Citations tool by allowing them to still add their sites. This functionality should still be reviewed but theres another jira out for that already. I tested this out on a local trunk.
This change has broken the trunk build. It is displaying an startup error for OSP and is causing the citation service bean to fail at initiazliation.
It appears as if these cases ActiveToolManager.getTool(toolId) returns null. I don't have a custom kernel ready to try any fixes for it. Previously this function just returned m_title. Additionally the related issue(s) should probably be tested further as this seems like a lot of new code specific for special cases in the kernel.