Grading student content does not show the number of points available to the instructor
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Andrea Schmidt December 19, 2012 at 10:43 AM
Functional QA verified on
2.9.x on HSQLDB - Built: 12/19/12 01:00 - Sakai sakai-2.9.x-all (Kernel 1.3-SNAPSHOT)- Server localhost

Andrea Schmidt December 5, 2012 at 7:39 AM
Verified on Rutgers 2.9 alpha - dev - Sakai 2.9-dev (Kernel 1.3.0)- Server sakai-dev
Created December 3, 2012 at 1:04 PM
Updated April 18, 2018 at 7:31 AM
Resolved December 4, 2012 at 10:17 AM
Other tools display the max allowable points when the instructor grades, but grading Student Content in Lessons does not. This is similar to regarding grading comments.
Instructor adds the Student Content tool, checks the box for 'Create gradebook entries for these', then adds Maximum Points.
Once students have added content and the instructor wants to grade, the field is there to assign points per submission, but there is no indication what the max points has been set to.
To reproduce:
As the instructor add the Student Content tool to Lessons
Check the box for 'Create gradebook entries for these'
Enter a point value for Maximum Points
As the student, click 'Add Your Own Page', then add some content
As the instructor, refresh Lessons, then click the student's page
The student's page displays, with a field to enter points, but number of max points available is not displayed
At this point it is possible to enter more points than the item was set for
Max allowable points should be displayed for the instructor when grading student content.