Deleted Resources show in Lesson tool
amberg1 January 14, 2013 at 12:34 AM
Verified behaviour. One persons bug is anothers requirement. Perhaps a small note in help?
Charles Hedrick January 10, 2013 at 1:54 PM
Note that the result is different for instructor and student. The instructor sees the item, but there's a "deleted" note. The student doesn't see it at all. My theory is that the instructor might have meant for the item to be there, and accidenttally deleted it in resources. I don't want to just remove it without comment. The same behavior has been true of test, assignment and forum.
Yuki Yamada January 9, 2013 at 4:43 PM
The issue of Lessons tool is better to be reported into rather than here.
1. Upload a Resource in the Resource tool
2. Navigate to lessons tool and click on Add Resource
3. Click on Choose Existing File
4. Select the file you uploaded in the resource tool
5. Click Continue
6. Now remove the file from the Resources tool
7. Navigate back to Lessons
Expected Result:
The resources from the Lessons tool should be removed
Actual Result:
The resources from the Lessons tool is NOT removed clicking on it shows an error