LessonBuilder: Assignments not displaying to the student
is related to

Andrea Schmidt January 24, 2013 at 6:33 AM
Verified on Sakai - 2.9.x (rc01) 01/23/2013 - Sakai 2.9.1-rc01 (Kernel 1.3.1-rc01)- Server qa29

Andrea Schmidt December 19, 2012 at 10:25 AM
Verified on 2.9.x on HSQLDB - Built: 12/19/12 01:00 - Sakai sakai-2.9.x-all (Kernel 1.3-SNAPSHOT)- Server localhost

Teresa Collins November 19, 2012 at 7:40 AM
Verified on http://nightly2.sakaiproject.org:8082/portal using Firefox 16.02.
See screen capture: LSNBLDR-151.jpg

Andrea Schmidt November 15, 2012 at 10:06 AM
I tested again today: Rutgers 2.9 alpha - dev - Sakai 2.9-dev (Kernel 1.3.0-rc03)- Server sakai-test2
I am no longer seeing the problem

Charles Hedrick November 15, 2012 at 9:28 AM
I believe the reason this hasn't shown up in production is that the assignment shows up once the student has done the prerequisites. Furthermore, because of the way caching is done, in a busy site it probably wouldn't show up even for people who hadn't met the prerequisites. I know some of Andrea's tests suggest the contrary, but I think that's misleading. There were two separate problems here, and I suspect that the fact we didn't realize that led to the problems getting confounded.
The bug I fixed was that some of the code failed for students who hadn't met the prerequisites. I've changed nothing that would affect students who have.
This bug was difficult to test, because both of the (unrelated) causes were timing-sensitive.
Affects versions
Fix versions


On sakai-29.rutgers.edu, if the instructor adds an assignment through Lessons, it is not visible to the students.
It is working properly on https://qa29.longsight.com/portal/, Sakai - TRUNK - Sakai 2.9.0-rc03 (Kernel 1.3.0-rc03)- Server qa29.
To reproduce, test on sakai-29.rutgers.edu:
Within Lessons, add some text or something as the first item and make it required
Then click Add Assignment
Create a new Assignment
Click Edit beside the assignment
Check both the following boxes:
Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed
Require that the student submit this assignment.
As the student, log into the site
The first item shows, but the assignment does not
Expected behavior is that the assignment link is 'grayed-out' until the pre-req has been completed
This can be seen on qa29.longsight.com.
On the rutgers server, even though the student has finished the pre-reqs, the assignment is still not available.
I believe this should really be a blocker, since students aren't able to access assignments.