need CC import for version 1.2
Charles Hedrick February 1, 2013 at 8:21 AM
I just checked in an additional diff. When filing paperwork for conformance, I found that we have to detect when a cartridge uses a Curriculum Standard and issue a warning that it is not implemented.
At this point we should be certified as conforming to 1.2. Although I prefer not to add things to 2.9.1 at this point, I thought it would be a good idea for it to pass conformance. The changes seem safe.
Charles Hedrick January 4, 2013 at 9:38 AM
assignment import now works. I'm keeping this open until I can run the version 1.2 validation tests, but I think it's working.
Charles Hedrick January 3, 2013 at 8:13 AM
I'm doing this in 1.5 only. I've checked in patches that should recognize the 1.2 format. It appears that the only different is the addition of assignments, which is optional. So technically we should be compliant. However once I get a test suite I do intend to implement assignments.
need support for CC version 1.2. This will be for Lessons 1.5 only