Question 3 of the Sample Quiz provides a fill in the blank question that allows users to answer the question via an input field at the end of the question text. However, the input field is not provided a valid label and does not reference the question text. As such, screen reader users will have difficulty discerning the question the input field is for.
Developers must ensure that all form field are provided valid programmatic labels. In this case the question text is already provided right before the input field, and must be placed inside an HTML <label> element with the "for" value matching the "id" of the input field. As this input field is not currently assigned an id, the example below utilizes a fictitious "someid" value to demonstrate the correlation.
Tested working with Chromevox during Wednesday February 1, 2017 Sakai accessibility call. Meets the WCAG 2 spec. But We're worried that it might be hard for a student to figure out what they are being asked to do with multiple blanks. As suggested, will verify this, clone the JIRA, and look at a better presentation for blank and numeric questions that help students understand what's being asked of them.
Sam Ottenhoff February 1, 2017 at 1:08 PM
I recommend Verifying this JIRA and filing new JIRAs
Matt Clare February 1, 2017 at 1:06 PM
Tested working with Chromevox during Wednesday February 1, 2017 Sakai accessibility call. Meets the WCAG 2 spec. But We're worried that it might be hard for a student to figure out what they are being asked to do with multiple blanks.
Sam Ottenhoff January 25, 2017 at 6:25 PM
Okay PR submitted. Review of PR would be appreciated.
Question 3 of the Sample Quiz provides a fill in the blank question that allows users to answer the question via an input field at the end of the question text. However, the input field is not provided a valid label and does not reference the question text. As such, screen reader users will have difficulty discerning the question the input field is for.
Developers must ensure that all form field are provided valid programmatic labels. In this case the question text is already provided right before the input field, and must be placed inside an HTML <label> element with the "for" value matching the "id" of the input field. As this input field is not currently assigned an id, the example below utilizes a fictitious "someid" value to demonstrate the correlation.