Bug with calculated question's upper threshold on converting to scientific notation
The upper threshold is not obeyed (as advertised). The bug is just that in the determineRandomValuesForRanges() method, some doubles weren't converted to BigDecimal:
So if the upper threshold is greater than possibly stored in a double, maxVal ends up with scientific notation in it already, which in turn leads to scientific notation in randomValue object, which then gets passed to the toScientificNotation() method which looks for the occurrence of 'e' or 'E' in the string, and if so, keeps it in scientific notation. this results in numbers less than the upper threshold still being converted into scientific notation.
The upper threshold is not obeyed (as advertised). The bug is just that in the determineRandomValuesForRanges() method, some doubles weren't converted to BigDecimal:
So if the upper threshold is greater than possibly stored in a double, maxVal ends up with scientific notation in it already, which in turn leads to scientific notation in randomValue object, which then gets passed to the toScientificNotation() method which looks for the occurrence of 'e' or 'E' in the string, and if so, keeps it in scientific notation. this results in numbers less than the upper threshold still being converted into scientific notation.