Show/Hide rich text editor doesn't hide the editor properly
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Earle Nietzel January 28, 2015 at 5:13 PM
This depends on which depends on which is not included in sakai 10.

Matthew Jones November 27, 2014 at 8:23 AMEdited
I put the image on SAM-2402, since it relates more to that. It's likely that it is different from the error in trunk with the missing tool.css and that's another new issue.

Raúl Sánchez Vegas November 27, 2014 at 6:22 AMEdited
Hi Matthew
Thanks for creating SAM-2442.
What kind of jquery errors have you seen?
I've tested the use case that you mention in trunk (nightly) with Lessons and I've found the format errors and javacript errors that you can see in the attached image (errors.png). Are these errors the same as the errors that you have found?
If they are the same errors, the issue happens aslo in trunk. The issue may be that the "tool.css" file is not found and therefore, it isn't a jquery issue. What do you think?

Matthew Jones November 26, 2014 at 9:54 AMEdited
What I was seeing with this in 10.x is that if you
Create an assessment and publish it with a multiple choice question
Go to lessons and link to that assessment
Login as a student and attempt to take the assessment
I was seeing the formatting all wrong, because jquery wasn't being loaded correctly in that context and that reformats the multiple choice questions.
It sounds like what you describe is semi-expected behavior, the CKEditor does add html formatting to everything, it should show the same thing as when you hit the source button. Sometime I'm seeing is if you type something and repeatedly hit the show/hide button it starts to get really badly formatted.
Like you type test, it formats it to <p>test</p>.
Hitting show/hide (to hide it) shows this <p>test</p>, that's expected
Hitting the show/hide again shows "<p>test</p>" verbatim, and it converts it to <p><p>test</p></p>
I'm not sure where that error is, seems to be on the 'reshow' parsing though. If you have value that is already rich text entered and you save it, there's no option for hide/show anymore. So either once you hit the show/hide you shouldn't be able to click it again (should always be shown) or it should work correctly going back and forth. This is a different bug than I saw though.
I created which I think is the error you're seeing.
Neal Caidin November 26, 2014 at 8:11 AM
Given the report of , it definitely looks like this should not be merged into 10.x until at least after 10.3 is released.
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Tested rich text editor on both trunk and Rutgers when creating Tests & Quizzes, adding a question. Tested FF15 and IE9
Once the editor has been expanded, clicking the Show/Hide link only partially hides it.
To reproduce:
Create an assessment
Add a question
When the Edit Question page displays, click the Show/Hide link to expand the rich text editor
Without adding any text, click the Show/Hide link again