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The Calculated Question parser has problems.
Here is a complex formula that should come up with 866.2 but custom SamigoExpressionParser comes up with 894:
Here are some simple examples from the current tests that also seem to be incorrect:
sin(PI) previously calculated as 1.23E-16
tan(PI) previously calculated as -1.23E-16
Github repo:
License is BSD 2
Merged this to 12.x. Will need a little manual code resolution to get this into 11.
Verified on Sakai - 4149f3ce1 - Sakai 13-SNAPSHOT - Server ip-172-31-6-159
nightly master mysql QA server
Setting to critical priority since it can affect grades.
The Calculated Question parser has problems.
Here is a complex formula that should come up with 866.2 but custom SamigoExpressionParser comes up with 894:
Here are some simple examples from the current tests that also seem to be incorrect:
sin(PI) previously calculated as 1.23E-16
tan(PI) previously calculated as -1.23E-16
Github repo:
License is BSD 2