Samigo / New assessment type
- 24 Mar 2010, 05:44 AM
Narasi Narasi July 28, 2010 at 7:33 AMEdited
Well to add my 2 cents to this, the issue reported is correct when done as follows
User has to be an instructor only (NO ADMIN Workspace access)
When they go to the Assessment types and choose 1 of the default assessment types they will see the Save and Cancel Button
However if the go to the next one or even come back to this previously chosen assessment type the Save button is gone.
Also the Save button does not allow instructors to make changes to the Assessment Types only Admin can, Instructor can make setting changes to an assessment that is using the default assessment types.
So it's just an annoying bug. Hope this helps.
Thanks for looking into it.
amberg1 March 25, 2010 at 1:03 AM
I verified that the cancel button was not displayed alone for the course instructor on 2.7 b5 I therefore close.
Creating a new assessment type, (template), works fine as long as a default type is not clicked on. The problem comes when I then try to create a new assessment type after clicking Cancel for a default assessment type. Now the new assessment type doesn't have a Save button either. I have to click on something else in the menu or on "Assessments", then go back into Assessment Types, and then am able to create a new type again.
Attached are screen shots and instructions for reproducing the problem.