Grades and submission info exported to Excel

Matt Clare April 17, 2012 at 9:25 AM
Hi Jackie,
Feature request has been added. I hope it is in time for the working group meeting.

Jacqueline Mai April 13, 2012 at 2:09 PM
Hi Matt,
Why don't you go ahead and file a JIRA feature request to improve the way Export works in SAMigo - it would be helpful to include user stories to express needs that are currently not supported (e.g., As an instructor, I want to be able to export submission date so that (state the benefit)). We can discuss at the next SAMigo working group meeting (04.17.12) and get feedback from working group members.

Hui Tsao April 13, 2012 at 10:10 AM
Assign to our Ux designer.

Matt Clare April 13, 2012 at 8:25 AM
My promisses to put a $20 (US or CDN) bounty up in the form of iTunes/Amazon gift cards or a charitable donation still stands! I'll sweeten (bitter?) the deal with a beer in Atlanta!

Matt Clare January 5, 2012 at 11:02 AM
I just found this request/patch. I'll add to the distinction between the proposed patch and the current export option.
In summary:
Export is missing Date (important for surveys, etc.) Role Adjustments and the Comment.
Total Scores is missing Part scores and the individual questions.
Maybe we need to improve Export?
Published Assessments -> Scores -> Total Scores screen provides the following:
Name UserID Role Submit Date Time Score Adjustment Final Score Comment for Student
Published Assessments -> Scores -> Export provides the following:
Submission Id OR UserID Part Scores ........ Final Score Question 1...........
Export is missing Date (important for surveys, etc.) Role Adjustments and the Comment.
Total Scores is missing Part scores and the individual questions.
I believe the individual questions is why Export can take so long for larger sets, as reported here: has only raised the number of submissions Export can handle from about 200 to about 400 in our experience.
The ability to export without the question content in either location would solve the timeout issue identified in and some options on the Export page may be the ultimate solution.
The ability to export the submission date would be very useful, and the submission date is on the Total Scores page.
If the community thinks that a new interface to the Export panel to select what can be exported is the way to go I'd be happy to formalize the feature request and put a $20 (US or CDN) bounty in the form of iTunes/Amazon gift cards or a charitable donation.
Our teachers have requested us to be able to export the information provided by Published Assessments -> Scores -> Total Scores screen. I attach the patch for 2.6.x.