Allow instructor to release comments on the overall assessment without releasing questions


Settings in Samigo require that assessment questions be released in order for student to see grader comments at the assessment level. This would be a general comment over the whole assessment rather than question-level feedback. Requiring the release of questions creates an issue with assessment security, allowing unauthorized distribution of test questions for new iterations of the course. Instead, the option to release the questions could be made a button on the list of options.





Mark Golbeck August 27, 2024 at 8:32 AM

Since it's been over two years without any further information provided, we're closing this Jira issue for now. If more details become available in the future, we can reopen it. Thank you.

Tiffany Stull September 29, 2017 at 9:06 AM

There are a number of unfortunate dependencies between types of feedback. In addition to the one described in this jira, the following are of concern for instructors:

  • Student Response is required for Question-Level Instructor Feedback Comments

  • Student Response is required for Selection-Level Feedback

Laura Gekeler April 26, 2017 at 9:55 AM

Discussed on the T&L call 4/26/2017 with 15 people present. Voting was encouraged. Agreement on the usefulness of this feature was noted by Pepperdine, Notre Dame and Marist. As well as the originating institution, Kentucky Christian.

Laura Cira April 26, 2016 at 3:39 PM

Former user I think you have a good case here. I think that, if an instructor were worried that future students would benefit from a current student having access to the questions on their test, the instructor would like the option to simply display a grade and comments on grade as the only feedback for the quiz.

If the Instructor were to choose "Only Release Student's Assessment Scores", the student should be able to see the comments entered in the Total Scores screen.

Neal Caidin March 9, 2016 at 8:32 AM

Hi Former user

FYI - our Production project in Jira is for reporting installations of Sakai in use at institutions around the world, not for reporting issues. Plus Production is a public project and we don't publish security issues publicly, to avoid exposing institutions to threats before the Sakai team has figured out how to respond.

I've moved your issue to Samigo, but have not yet put on the security flag (because it might prevent you from seeing this).

Could you please write to and include which version of Sakai you are using and the step-by-step steps to reproduce the issue, and why you think it is a security issue?

I'm not understanding why this is a security issue and perhaps more details will help.


Won't Fix



Affects versions




Created March 4, 2016 at 10:17 AM
Updated August 27, 2024 at 8:32 AM
Resolved August 27, 2024 at 8:32 AM