Randomly draw groups of questions


For creating quizzes, it would be really great to be able to randomize over pools of questions, rather than just individual questions. For example, I have several situations where students have to check properties of specific binary relations - the properties to check for are the same, but the relations should be randomly drawn from a pool. 

I am currently doing this via a random draw from a question pool that has each relation listed as a separate "multiple choice/multiple correct - multiple selection" question. However, this messes up the scoring (the number of satisfied properties endogenously determines the weight for each correct answer). I'd much rather have a "part" for each relation, define the relation in the part description, and then ask students to evaluate each property with the "true/false" question type. (This would ensure that I can give equal weight to each property that's correctly assessed.) However, to maintain randomization, I would then have to be able to randomize over these _parts_ rather than just over the individual questions. Does this make sense?

If it's not too much to ask for, I think this feature could generally be useful to instructors who try to generate some variants in their quizzes, and would greatly improve the scoring flexibility without having to add further question types to an already long list. Does it sound feasible?


(PS: Apologies for misidentifying the components.. it seems that all similar questions are filed under zz Tests & Quizzes, but it says DO NOT USE - I don't know where else it would fit.)



Michele Muller-Itten February 6, 2018 at 7:29 AM

I obviously don't know anything about the backend, but from the front-end, there already seems to be the necessary structure with the subpools. What would be great for example, is if there were an additional "introduction/description" field in a question pool, and then if one chooses to randomize over a pool with subpools, the quiz would print the description first (e.g. with the common stem of the question), and randomly select one (or multiple) of the subpools. This would make it analoguous to randomizing over individual questions, simply by adding +1 depth in the question pool structure.

Neal Caidin February 5, 2018 at 1:56 PM

Question pools most likely would need to be re-done in order to implement a feature like this. May turn out to be a pretty large sized project, unfortunately.






Created January 30, 2018 at 10:28 AM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:08 AM