Interface for Grading Ungraded, Manually Graded Questions

Martin Ramsay December 16, 2013 at 6:43 AM
Just to add further credence to this idea, one of the faculty in our LAMP Consortium has independently suggested a similar improvement. In an e-mail to me, he said, "It would be helpful if there were some way for the grader to see which questions have been updated (i.e., graded), and which have NOT been reviewed/updated/graded yet. Maybe some kind of on-off mark on the "questions" page saying to highlight graded questions." I know that isn't quite what is suggested here, but the suggestion in would probably meet the need just as well.
He also said, "When grading a test question by question, at the top and bottom of each page, there should be a "save and move to next question" option, like in the Assignments and Gradebook tools. It's rather annoying to have to "update" at the bottom, wait for that to process, and THEN click on the next question (and wait for THAT page to load)." Many of our LAMP consortium schools don't have the best bandwidth available, so every browser interaction back to the server adds load they'd like to avoid if possible.

Keli Amann October 18, 2011 at 2:46 PM
I've taken a look and in general it looks good. However, one recommendation would be that this go under Questions as a filter, rather than a separate link called "Ungraded." In other words, if a user views Submissions, then clicks "Questions", they see a list of clickable question numbers, but in front of those question numbers, there should be a selector (pulldown or set of radio buttons or tabs) with the filter options:
Show all questions
Show ungraded questions
I might even go so far as to say that "Show ungraded questions" is selected by default.

Lynn Ward October 10, 2011 at 12:14 PM
The patch was developed for our local 2.7 instance and may need some work before it can be merged into 2.10. I sent Keli a separate email indicating that I could give Keli access to site on our local instances if she wants to see this feature in action. I'd be happy to do the same for you as well, Karen. First, however, you'll need to create an IU guest acct at and then let me know when it's been established.

Hui Tsao October 10, 2011 at 11:31 AM
Is this for 2.10? I don't think we should start on 2.10 new features at this point because QA just started testing 2.9. However, if the code is simple and you do need to take look, I will work on it. Can I take a look at the patch first?

Keli Amann October 7, 2011 at 10:38 AM
Looking at spec I have no questions or objections, but I would like to see this on a qa instance and try it out. Karen, can I see this somewhere when you have time?


The Ungraded interface has been tested and is already in production at Indiana University. Attached is a screenshot and complete design for review by the Samigo Workgroup. The general idea here is to allow instructors to easily identify and navigate the questions (and responses) in an assessment that need to be manually graded. This was a feature in our legacy tool that was highly valued by our faculty. The UI is similar to the Questions screen, but contains only specific questions types (short answer/essay, audio, and file upload) and only responses that have not yet been graded. Navigation has been added to allow instructors to easily move from one question with ungraded responses to the next.