samigo: Calculated question: "Calculations" instructions badly placed on page and confusing.


Issue: In the Calculated Question type of question, there's an option to add Calculations. These Calculations must be defined in the question text. However, the instructions to add them (below) are included at the bottom of the page AFTER you extract variables. The text needs to be moved up to be included in the Instructions ABOVE the Question Text box.

Update: I just realized there is also a Show/Hide more instructions and examples link above the question text box.  This link reveals the same confusing text that is lower down on the page - plus some repetition of the content that appears on the page above the link?  I think this page needs to be cleaned up to 1. Remove redundancy and 2. Make more sense for someone who has never used this question type.

Also, in the table near the bottom of the page where the example calculations are displayed, the only column that really matters has no header!  This column displays the numerical value that a student might see when taking the test.  It should have a header, e.g. Student Sees.  See screen shots below the existing text for more information.

Existing Text:

*Calculations* You can also define Calculations in the question text. Place double brackets around the Calculation (e.g. [[ 3 + 2 ]]). You may use variables inside Calculations (e.g [[{a}+{b}]]).These calculations can help the student to answer the question. They can also help instructor to check that the question is correctly defined before publishing it

Additionally, the instructions are confusing and it took me a while to figure out what they actually did (how they differed from the standard "variables" in the question text), so I think the instructions need to be reworded to make sense. Here's what the calculations do (may still need to be reworded):

*Calculations* add fixed numerical values within the question text based on variables you define. For example: You enter the calculation [[{a} + {b}]]. You define {a} as a range of values from 1-2, with 0 decimal places. You define {b} as a range of values from 2-3, with 0 decimal places. When Student 1 takes the test, they may see 4 in the question in place of the calculation. When Student 2 takes the test, they may see 5 instead.

Where you enter a calculation in the question text:

The table near the bottom of the page after you've entered and saved variables that displays the calculation example:


  • 21 Jun 2017, 12:21 PM
  • 21 Jun 2017, 12:21 PM





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Created June 16, 2017 at 10:31 AM
Updated May 20, 2019 at 9:58 AM