Should not be able to create an assessment type with "Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specified date" selected but uncheck the editable checkbox
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Christina Schwiebert April 9, 2021 at 9:45 AMEdited
Confirmed that this potential scenario is still an issue on current versions of Sakai. Upgraded priority from Minor, as if this is set the instructor has no potential workaround.
I see a couple potential paths for fixing -
1) Prevent the admin user from selecting both feedback on date and not editable. "If you select this option, you must allow users to modify the settings"
2) In an assessment settings, allow the feedback date to be changed/set if these settings are both selected. The instructor can not change the feedback delivery to another option (ie On Submission), but can set the options that appear if "Feedback on specified date" is selected.
Users can create an assessment type with "Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specified date" selected and "Can edit default value (below)?" unchecked. In this case, there is no way to specify the feedback display date. When users publish the assessment, validation message " Please specify the date for Feedback Delivery under Feedback." will be seen. But users have no way to correct it - the assessment can never be published.
Test plan:
As Admin user, view Tests & Quizzes for a class. Select the Assessment Types tab.
Select the Default Assessment Type.
Expand the Feedback section.
Under Feedback Delivery, uncheck the option "Can edit default value (below)?"
Under Feedback Delivery, select "Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specified date"
As instructor, create a new test in that site.
View the Settings page. There is currently no option to change feedback delivery or set feedback date.
Save settings. Currently receiveing an error "Please specify the date for Feedback Delivery under Feedback."